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rtsp/rtp 新增支持mjpeg编码 (#2166) · eed5f023
* Trying to send mjpeg via MultiMediaSourceMuxer * Improved JPEGRtpEncoder::inputFrame code but still not working * 优化代码 * 完善jpeg相关逻辑 * Micro fix * FrameJPEG renamed to JPEGFrame according to ZLM style * Modified JPEGRtpEncoder::inputFrame and JPEGRtpEncoder::rtp_send_jpeg * getVideoHeight(), getVideoWidth() and getVideoFps() in JPEGTrack * mjpeg rtp打包避免内存拷贝/修复mjpeg rtp解包huffman_table size字段错误的bug * 支持mjpeg pix type * 优化性能 * add bom header
a-ucontrol committed