Commit 0ae1d468 by xiongziliang

基本完成twcc rtcp fci的生成

parent e02bc9ce
......@@ -285,22 +285,16 @@ public:
vector<SymbolStatus> getSymbolList() const;
StatusVecChunk(const vector<SymbolStatus> &status);
StatusVecChunk(bool symbol_bit, const vector<SymbolStatus> &status);
string dumpString() const;
StatusVecChunk::StatusVecChunk(const vector<SymbolStatus> &status) {
StatusVecChunk::StatusVecChunk(bool symbol_bit, const vector<SymbolStatus> &status) {
CHECK((1 + symbol_bit) * status.size() <= 14);
uint16_t value = 0;
type = 1;
if (status.size() == 14) {
symbol = 0;
} else if (status.size() == 7) {
symbol = 1;
} else {
symbol = symbol_bit;
int i = 13;
for (auto &item : status) {
CHECK(item <= SymbolStatus::reserved);
......@@ -428,8 +422,8 @@ static int16_t getRecvDelta(SymbolStatus status, uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t *e
return delta;
map<uint16_t, std::pair<SymbolStatus, int16_t/*stamp*/> > FCI_TWCC::getPacketChunkList(size_t total_size) const {
map<uint16_t, std::pair<SymbolStatus, int16_t> > ret;
FCI_TWCC::TwccPacketStatus FCI_TWCC::getPacketChunkList(size_t total_size) const {
TwccPacketStatus ret;
auto ptr = (uint8_t *) this + kSize;
auto end = (uint8_t *) this + total_size;
CHECK(ptr < end);
......@@ -475,48 +469,83 @@ string FCI_TWCC::dumpString(size_t total_size) const {
return std::move(printer);
}//namespace mediakit
#if 1
using namespace mediakit;
void testFCI() {
FCI_SLI fci(8191, 0, 63);
InfoL << hexdump(&fci, FCI_SLI::kSize) << fci.dumpString();
FCI_FIR fci(123456, 139, 456789);
InfoL << hexdump(&fci, FCI_FIR::kSize) << fci.dumpString();
auto str = FCI_REMB::create({1234, 2345, 5678}, 4 * 1024 * 1024);
FCI_REMB *ptr = (FCI_REMB *);
InfoL << hexdump(, str.size()) << ptr->dumpString();
FCI_NACK nack(1234, vector<bool>({1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}));
InfoL << hexdump(&nack, FCI_NACK::kSize) << nack.dumpString();
static void appendDeltaString(string &delta_str, FCI_TWCC::TwccPacketStatus &status, int count){
for (auto it = status.begin(); it != status.end() && count--;) {
switch (it->second.first) {
//large delta模式先写高字节,再写低字节
case SymbolStatus::large_delta: delta_str.push_back((it->second.second >> 8) & 0xFF);
//small delta模式只写低字节
case SymbolStatus::small_delta: delta_str.push_back(it->second.second & 0xFF); break;
default: break;
it = status.erase(it);
RunLengthChunk chunk(SymbolStatus::large_delta, 8024);
InfoL << hexdump(&chunk, RunLengthChunk::kSize) << chunk.dumpString();
string FCI_TWCC::create(uint32_t ref_time, uint8_t fb_pkt_count, TwccPacketStatus &status) {
string fci;
FCI_TWCC *ptr = (FCI_TWCC *) (;
ptr->base_seq = htons(status.begin()->first);
ptr->pkt_status_count = htons(status.size());
ptr->fb_pkt_count = fb_pkt_count;
ptr->ref_time[0] = (ref_time >> 16) & 0xFF;
ptr->ref_time[1] = (ref_time >> 8) & 0xFF;
ptr->ref_time[2] = (ref_time >> 0) & 0xFF;
string delta_str;
while (!status.empty()) {
auto symbol = status.begin()->second.first;
int16_t count = 0;
for (auto &pr : status) {
if (++count == (0xFFFF >> 3)) {
//RunLengthChunk 13个bit表明rtp个数,最多可以表述0xFFFF >> 3个rtp状态
if (pr.second.first != symbol) {
if (count >= 7) {
RunLengthChunk chunk(symbol, count);
fci.append((char *)&chunk, RunLengthChunk::kSize);
appendDeltaString(delta_str, status, count);
auto lam = [](const initializer_list<int> &lst) {
vector<SymbolStatus> ret;
for (auto &num : lst) {
ret.emplace_back((SymbolStatus) num);
auto symbol = 0;
int count = 0;
vector<SymbolStatus> vec;
for (auto &pr : status) {
if (pr.second.first >= SymbolStatus::large_delta) {
symbol = 1;
if ((1 + symbol) * (++count) == 14) {
StatusVecChunk chunk(symbol, vec);
fci.append((char *)&chunk, StatusVecChunk::kSize);
appendDeltaString(delta_str, status, count);
return ret;
StatusVecChunk chunk(lam({0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1}));
InfoL << hexdump(&chunk, StatusVecChunk::kSize) << chunk.dumpString();
StatusVecChunk chunk(lam({0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2}));
InfoL << hexdump(&chunk, StatusVecChunk::kSize) << chunk.dumpString();
//recv delta部分
return fci;
\ No newline at end of file
}//namespace mediakit
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -346,14 +346,16 @@ enum class SymbolStatus : uint8_t{
class FCI_TWCC{
static size_t constexpr kSize = 8;
using TwccPacketStatus = map<uint16_t/*rtp ext seq*/, std::pair<SymbolStatus, int16_t/*recv delta,单位为250us*/> >;
void check(size_t size);
string dumpString(size_t total_size) const;
uint16_t getBaseSeq() const;
uint32_t getReferenceTime() const;
uint16_t getPacketCount() const;
map<uint16_t/*rtp ext seq*/, std::pair<SymbolStatus, int16_t/*recv delta,单位为250us*/> > getPacketChunkList(size_t total_size) const;
TwccPacketStatus getPacketChunkList(size_t total_size) const;
static string create(uint32_t ref_time, uint8_t fb_pkt_count, TwccPacketStatus &status);
//base sequence number,基础序号,本次反馈的第一个包的序号;也就是RTP扩展头的序列号
* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLToolKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLToolKit(
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <iostream>
#include "Util/logger.h"
#include "Rtcp/RtcpFCI.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
using namespace mediakit;
extern void testFCI();
int main() {
return 0;
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
#include "TwccContext.h"
#include "Rtcp/RtcpFCI.h"
using namespace mediakit;
enum class ExtSeqStatus : int {
normal = 0,
......@@ -78,17 +81,27 @@ void TwccContext::onSendTwcc() {
auto begin = _rtp_recv_status.begin();
auto min = begin->first;
auto ref_time = begin->second;
DebugL << "base_seq:" << min << ",pkt_status_count:" << max + 1 - min << ",ref time:" << ref_time / 64
<< ", fb count:" << (int) (_twcc_pkt_count++);
for (auto i = min; i <= max; ++i) {
auto it = _rtp_recv_status.find(i);
if (it == _rtp_recv_status.end()) {
DebugL << "rtp seq:" << i << ",packet status:" << 0 /*not recved*/ << ",delta_ms:" << 0;
} else {
auto delta_ms = it->second - ref_time;
DebugL << "rtp seq:" << i << ",packet status:" << 1 /*recved*/ << ",delta_ms:" << delta_ms;
FCI_TWCC::TwccPacketStatus status;
for (auto seq = min; seq <= max; ++seq) {
int16_t delta = 0;
SymbolStatus symbol = SymbolStatus::not_received;
auto it = _rtp_recv_status.find(seq);
if (it != _rtp_recv_status.end()) {
//recv delta,单位为250us,1ms等于4x250us
delta = (int16_t) (4 * ((int64_t) it->second - (int64_t) ref_time));
if (delta < 0 || delta > 0xFF) {
symbol = SymbolStatus::large_delta;
} else {
symbol = SymbolStatus::small_delta;
ref_time = it->second;
status.emplace(seq, std::make_pair(symbol, delta));
auto fci = FCI_TWCC::create(ref_time / 64, _twcc_pkt_count, status);
InfoL << ((FCI_TWCC *) (>dumpString(fci.size());
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