Commit 272eca12 by xiongziliang


parent 06f5bda8
......@@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ on_server_keepalive=
#keepalive hook触发间隔,单位秒,float类型
#设置源站拉流url模板, 格式跟printf类似,第一个%s指定app,第二个%s指定stream_id,
* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ const string kOnServerKeepalive = HOOK_FIELD"on_server_keepalive";
const string kAdminParams = HOOK_FIELD"admin_params";
const string kAliveInterval = HOOK_FIELD"alive_interval";
const string kRetry = HOOK_FIELD"retry";
const string kRetryDelay = HOOK_FIELD"retry_delay";
onceToken token([](){
mINI::Instance()[kEnable] = false;
......@@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ onceToken token([](){
mINI::Instance()[kOnServerKeepalive] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kAdminParams] = "secret=035c73f7-bb6b-4889-a715-d9eb2d1925cc";
mINI::Instance()[kAliveInterval] = 30.0;
mINI::Instance()[kRetry] = 0;
mINI::Instance()[kRetry] = 1;
mINI::Instance()[kRetryDelay] = 3.0;
}//namespace Hook
......@@ -88,8 +89,6 @@ static onceToken token([]() {
}//namespace Cluster
void do_http_process(HttpRequester::Ptr &requester,const string &url, const string& bodyStr, const function<void(const Value &,const string &)> &func,int retry,float timeout_sec);
static void parse_http_response(const SockException &ex, const Parser &res,
const function<void(const Value &,const string &)> &fun){
if (ex) {
......@@ -152,10 +151,10 @@ string getVhost(const HttpArgs &value) {
return val != value.end() ? val->second : "";
void do_http_hook(const string &url,const ArgsType &body,const function<void(const Value &,const string &)> &func){
void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function<void(const Value &, const string &)> &func, uint32_t retry) {
GET_CONFIG(string, mediaServerId, General::kMediaServerId);
GET_CONFIG(float, hook_timeoutSec, Hook::kTimeoutSec);
GET_CONFIG(int, hook_retry, Hook::kRetry);
GET_CONFIG(float, retry_delay, Hook::kRetryDelay);
const_cast<ArgsType &>(body)["mediaServerId"] = mediaServerId;
HttpRequester::Ptr requester(new HttpRequester);
......@@ -167,35 +166,38 @@ void do_http_hook(const string &url,const ArgsType &body,const function<void(con
if (!vhost.empty()) {
requester->addHeader("X-VHOST", vhost);
Ticker ticker;
requester->startRequester(url, [url, func, bodyStr, body, requester, ticker, retry](const SockException &ex, const Parser &res) mutable {
onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() mutable { requester.reset(); });
parse_http_response(ex, res, [&](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
if (!err.empty()) {
// hook失败
WarnL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,failed" << err << ":" << bodyStr;
if (retry-- > 0) {
requester->getPoller()->doDelayTask(MAX(retry_delay, 0.0) * 1000, [url, body, func, retry] {
do_http_hook(url, body, func, retry);
return 0;
} else if (ticker.elapsedTime() > 500) {
DebugL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,success:" << bodyStr;
void do_http_process(HttpRequester::Ptr &requester,const string &url, const string& bodyStr, const function<void(const Value &,const string &)> &func,int retry,float timeout_sec){
std::shared_ptr<Ticker> pTicker(new Ticker);
requester->startRequester(url, [url, func, bodyStr, requester, pTicker,retry,timeout_sec](const SockException &ex,
const Parser &res) mutable{
onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() mutable{
parse_http_response(ex, res, [&](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
if (func) {
func(obj, err);
if (!err.empty()) {
WarnL << "hook " << url << " " << pTicker->elapsedTime() << "ms,failed" << err << ":" << bodyStr;
} else if (pTicker->elapsedTime() > 500) {
DebugL << "hook " << url << " " << pTicker->elapsedTime() << "ms,success:" << bodyStr;
if (!err.empty() && retry-- > 0) {
//WarnL << "----------------hook retry------------------ " << retry ;
HttpRequester::Ptr requester(new HttpRequester);
}, timeout_sec);
}, hook_timeoutSec);
void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function<void(const Value &, const string &)> &func) {
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, hook_retry, Hook::kRetry);
do_http_hook(url, body, func, hook_retry);
static ArgsType make_json(const MediaInfo &args){
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