Commit 4db67aaa by xiongziliang


parent 2a8b6d2b
......@@ -40,28 +40,29 @@ using namespace mediakit;
MediaPusher::Ptr pusher;
Timer::Ptr g_timer;
void rePushDelay(const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url);
void rePushDelay(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url);
void createPusher(const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url) {
void createPusher(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url) {
pusher.reset(new MediaPusher(schema,vhost, app, stream));
pusher.reset(new MediaPusher(schema,vhost, app, stream,poller));
// (*pusher)[Client::kRtpType] = Rtsp::RTP_UDP;
pusher->setOnShutdown([schema,vhost, app, stream, url](const SockException &ex) {
pusher->setOnShutdown([poller,schema,vhost, app, stream, url](const SockException &ex) {
WarnL << "Server connection is closed:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what();
rePushDelay(schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
rePushDelay(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
pusher->setOnPublished([schema,vhost, app, stream, url](const SockException &ex) {
pusher->setOnPublished([poller,schema,vhost, app, stream, url](const SockException &ex) {
if (ex) {
WarnL << "Publish fail:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what();
rePushDelay(schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
rePushDelay(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
} else {
InfoL << "Publish success,Please play with player:" << url;
......@@ -69,16 +70,15 @@ void createPusher(const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, co
Timer::Ptr g_timer;
void rePushDelay(const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url) {
g_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(2,[schema,vhost,app, stream, url]() {
void rePushDelay(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,const string &schema,const string &vhost,const string &app, const string &stream, const string &url) {
g_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(2,[poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, url]() {
InfoL << "Re-Publishing...";
createPusher(schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
createPusher(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, url);
return false;
}, nullptr);
}, poller);
......@@ -86,18 +86,19 @@ int domain(const string &playUrl, const string &pushUrl) {
auto poller = EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller();
PlayerProxy::Ptr player(new PlayerProxy(DEFAULT_VHOST, "app", "stream"));
PlayerProxy::Ptr player(new PlayerProxy(DEFAULT_VHOST, "app", "stream",false,false,-1 , poller));
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(nullptr, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged,
[pushUrl](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) {
[pushUrl,poller](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) {
if(bRegist && pushUrl.find(schema) == 0){
createPusher(schema,vhost,app, stream, pushUrl);
createPusher(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, pushUrl);
......@@ -41,10 +41,13 @@ using namespace mediakit;
MediaPusher::Ptr pusher;
Timer::Ptr g_timer;
void rePushDelay(const string &schema,
void rePushDelay(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,
const string &schema,
const string &vhost,
const string &app,
const string &stream,
......@@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ void rePushDelay(const string &schema,
const string &url) ;
void createPusher(const string &schema,
void createPusher(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,
const string &schema,
const string &vhost,
const string &app,
const string &stream,
......@@ -67,22 +71,22 @@ void createPusher(const string &schema,
pusher.reset(new MediaPusher(src));
pusher.reset(new MediaPusher(src,poller));
// (*pusher)[Client::kRtpType] = Rtsp::RTP_UDP;
pusher->setOnShutdown([schema,vhost,app,stream,filePath, url](const SockException &ex) {
pusher->setOnShutdown([poller,schema,vhost,app,stream,filePath, url](const SockException &ex) {
WarnL << "Server connection is closed:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what();
rePushDelay(schema,vhost,app, stream,filePath, url);
rePushDelay(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream,filePath, url);
pusher->setOnPublished([schema,vhost,app,stream,filePath, url](const SockException &ex) {
pusher->setOnPublished([poller,schema,vhost,app,stream,filePath, url](const SockException &ex) {
if (ex) {
WarnL << "Publish fail:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what();
rePushDelay(schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath ,url);
rePushDelay(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath ,url);
}else {
InfoL << "Publish success,Please play with player:" << url;
......@@ -90,21 +94,21 @@ void createPusher(const string &schema,
Timer::Ptr g_timer;
void rePushDelay(const string &schema,
void rePushDelay(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,
const string &schema,
const string &vhost,
const string &app,
const string &stream,
const string &filePath,
const string &url) {
g_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(2,[schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath,url]() {
g_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(2,[poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath,url]() {
InfoL << "Re-Publishing...";
createPusher(schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath,url);
createPusher(poller,schema,vhost,app, stream, filePath,url);
return false;
}, nullptr);
}, poller);
......@@ -112,8 +116,9 @@ int domain(const string & filePath,const string & pushUrl){
createPusher(FindField(, nullptr,"://"),DEFAULT_VHOST,"live","stream",filePath,pushUrl);
auto poller = EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller();
createPusher(poller,FindField(, nullptr,"://"),DEFAULT_VHOST,"live","stream",filePath,pushUrl);
static semaphore sem;
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