Commit dc3701e6 by ziyue


parent 43164d36
......@@ -101,16 +101,18 @@ bool RtpReceiver::handleOneRtp(int track_index, TrackType type, int samplerate,
_ssrc_err_count[track_index] = 0;
rtp.offset = 12 + 4;
//rtp 12个固定字节头
rtp.offset = 12;
rtp.offset += 4 * csrc;
if (ext && rtp_raw_len >= rtp.offset) {
/* calculate the header extension length (stored as number of 32-bit words) */
ext = (AV_RB16(rtp_raw_ptr + rtp.offset - 2) + 1) << 2;
rtp.offset += ext;
if (ext) {
uint16_t reserved = AV_RB16(rtp_raw_ptr + rtp.offset);
uint16_t extlen = AV_RB16(rtp_raw_ptr + rtp.offset + 2) << 2;
rtp.offset += extlen + 4;
if (rtp_raw_len + 4 <= rtp.offset) {
if (rtp_raw_len <= rtp.offset) {
WarnL << "无有效负载的rtp包:" << rtp_raw_len << " <= " << (int) rtp.offset;
return false;
......@@ -128,9 +130,10 @@ bool RtpReceiver::handleOneRtp(int track_index, TrackType type, int samplerate,
payload_ptr[1] = rtp.interleaved;
payload_ptr[2] = rtp_raw_len >> 8;
payload_ptr[3] = (rtp_raw_len & 0x00FF);
//添加rtp over tcp前4个字节的偏移量
rtp.offset += 4;
memcpy(payload_ptr + 4, rtp_raw_ptr, rtp_raw_len);
auto seq = rtp_ptr->sequence;
_rtp_sortor[track_index].sortPacket(seq, std::move(rtp_ptr));
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