Commit eed5f023 by a-ucontrol Committed by GitHub

rtsp/rtp 新增支持mjpeg编码 (#2166)

* Trying to send mjpeg via MultiMediaSourceMuxer

* Improved JPEGRtpEncoder::inputFrame code but still not working

* 优化代码

* 完善jpeg相关逻辑

* Micro fix

* FrameJPEG renamed to JPEGFrame according to ZLM style

* Modified  JPEGRtpEncoder::inputFrame and JPEGRtpEncoder::rtp_send_jpeg

* getVideoHeight(), getVideoWidth() and getVideoFps() in JPEGTrack

* mjpeg rtp打包避免内存拷贝/修复mjpeg rtp解包huffman_table size字段错误的bug

* 支持mjpeg pix type

* 优化性能

* add bom header
parent 96f549ab
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- 服务器/客户端完整支持Basic/Digest方式的登录鉴权,全异步可配置化的鉴权接口
- 支持H265编码
- 服务器支持RTSP推流(包括`rtp over udp` `rtp over tcp`方式)
- 支持H264/H265/AAC/G711/OPUS编码,其他编码能转发但不能转协议
- 支持H264/H265/AAC/G711/OPUS/MJPEG编码,其他编码能转发但不能转协议
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "AACRtmp.h"
#include "CommonRtmp.h"
#include "H264Rtp.h"
#include "JPEGRtp.h"
#include "AACRtp.h"
#include "H265Rtp.h"
#include "CommonRtp.h"
......@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
#include "Opus.h"
#include "G711.h"
#include "L16.h"
#include "JPEG.h"
#include "Util/base64.h"
#include "Common/Parser.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
......@@ -89,6 +91,10 @@ Track::Ptr Factory::getTrackBySdp(const SdpTrack::Ptr &track) {
return std::make_shared<H265Track>(vps, sps, pps, 0, 0, 0);
case CodecJPEG : {
return std::make_shared<JPEGTrack>();
default: {
WarnL << "暂不支持该rtsp编码类型:" << track->getName();
......@@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ Track::Ptr Factory::getTrackByAbstractTrack(const Track::Ptr& track) {
case CodecOpus: return std::make_shared<OpusTrack>();
case CodecH265: return std::make_shared<H265Track>();
case CodecH264: return std::make_shared<H264Track>();
case CodecJPEG: return std::make_shared<JPEGTrack>();
default: {
......@@ -141,6 +148,7 @@ RtpCodec::Ptr Factory::getRtpEncoderByCodecId(CodecId codec_id, uint32_t sample_
return std::make_shared<CommonRtpEncoder>(codec_id, ssrc, mtu, sample_rate, pt, interleaved);
case CodecJPEG: return std::make_shared<JPEGRtpEncoder>(ssrc, mtu, sample_rate, pt, interleaved);
default: WarnL << "暂不支持该CodecId:" << codec_id; return nullptr;
......@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ RtpCodec::Ptr Factory::getRtpDecoderByTrack(const Track::Ptr &track) {
case CodecOpus :
case CodecG711A :
case CodecG711U : return std::make_shared<CommonRtpDecoder>(track->getCodecId());
case CodecJPEG: return std::make_shared<JPEGRtpDecoder>();
default : WarnL << "暂不支持该CodecId:" << track->getCodecName(); return nullptr;
......@@ -210,6 +219,7 @@ Track::Ptr getTrackByCodecId(CodecId codecId, int sample_rate = 0, int channels
case CodecOpus: return std::make_shared<OpusTrack>();
case CodecG711A :
case CodecG711U : return (sample_rate && channels && sample_bit) ? std::make_shared<G711Track>(codecId, sample_rate, channels, sample_bit) : nullptr;
case CodecJPEG : return std::make_shared<JPEGTrack>();
default : WarnL << "暂不支持该CodecId:" << codecId; return nullptr;
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ typedef enum {
XX(CodecL16, TrackAudio, 6, "L16", PSI_STREAM_RESERVED) \
XX(CodecVP8, TrackVideo, 7, "VP8", PSI_STREAM_VP8) \
XX(CodecVP9, TrackVideo, 8, "VP9", PSI_STREAM_VP9) \
XX(CodecAV1, TrackVideo, 9, "AV1", PSI_STREAM_AV1)
XX(CodecAV1, TrackVideo, 9, "AV1", PSI_STREAM_AV1) \
XX(CodecJPEG, TrackVideo, 10, "JPEG", PSI_STREAM_JPEG_2000)
typedef enum {
CodecInvalid = -1,
#include "JPEG.h"
#include "Rtsp/Rtsp.h"
#include "Util/util.h"
using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
bool JPEGTrack::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) {
if (!ready()) {
if ((_height & _width) > 0) {
if (_tmp == 0) _tmp = frame->dts();
else _fps = 1000.0 / (frame->dts() - _tmp);
} else getVideoResolution((uint8_t*)frame->data(), frame->size());
return false;
return VideoTrack::inputFrame(frame);
void JPEGTrack::getVideoResolution(const uint8_t *buf, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len - 8; i++) {
if (buf[i] != 0xff)
if (buf[i + 1] == 0xC0 /*SOF0*/) {
_height = buf[i + 5] * 256 + buf[i + 6];
_width = buf[i + 7] * 256 + buf[i + 8];
class JPEGSdp : public Sdp {
JPEGSdp(int bitrate): Sdp(90000, Rtsp::PT_JPEG) {
_printer << "m=video 0 RTP/AVP " << (int)getPayloadType() << "\r\n";
if (bitrate) {
_printer << "b=AS:" << bitrate << "\r\n";
_printer << "a=control:trackID=" << (int)TrackVideo << "\r\n";
std::string getSdp() const { return _printer; }
CodecId getCodecId() const { return CodecJPEG; }
_StrPrinter _printer;
Sdp::Ptr JPEGTrack::getSdp() {
return std::make_shared<JPEGSdp>(getBitRate() / 1024);
} // namespace mediakit
#include "Frame.h"
#include "Track.h"
namespace mediakit {
class JPEGTrack : public VideoTrack {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<JPEGTrack>;
CodecId getCodecId() const override { return CodecJPEG; }
int getVideoHeight() const override { return _height; }
int getVideoWidth() const override { return _width; }
float getVideoFps() const override { return _fps; }
bool ready() override { return _fps > 0; }
bool inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) override;
Sdp::Ptr getSdp() override;
Track::Ptr clone() override { return std::make_shared<std::remove_reference<decltype(*this)>::type>(*this); }
void getVideoResolution(const uint8_t *buf, int len);
int _width = 0;
int _height = 0;
float _fps = 0;
uint64_t _tmp = 0;
class JPEGFrame : public Frame {
* @param buffer 帧数据
* @param dts 时间戳,单位毫秒
* @param pix_type pixel format type; AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P || (AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG && AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P) : 1; AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P || (AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG && AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P) : 0
* @param prefix_size JFIF头大小
JPEGFrame(toolkit::Buffer::Ptr buffer, uint64_t dts, uint8_t pix_type = 0, size_t prefix_size = 0) {
_buffer = std::move(buffer);
_dts = dts;
_pix_type = pix_type;
_prefix_size = prefix_size;
~JPEGFrame() override = default;
uint64_t dts() const override { return _dts; }
size_t prefixSize() const override { return _prefix_size; }
bool keyFrame() const override { return true; }
bool configFrame() const override { return false; }
CodecId getCodecId() const override { return CodecJPEG; }
char *data() const override { return _buffer->data(); }
size_t size() const override { return _buffer->size(); }
uint8_t pixType() const {return _pix_type; }
uint8_t _pix_type;
size_t _prefix_size;
uint64_t _dts;
toolkit::Buffer::Ptr _buffer;
}//namespace mediakit
#include "Frame.h"
#include "Rtsp/RtpCodec.h"
namespace mediakit{
* RTP/JPEG specific private data.
struct PayloadContext {
std::string frame; ///< current frame buffer
uint32_t timestamp; ///< current frame timestamp
int hdr_size; ///< size of the current frame header
uint8_t qtables[128][128];
uint8_t qtables_len[128];
* 通用 rtp解码类
class JPEGRtpDecoder : public RtpCodec {
typedef std::shared_ptr <JPEGRtpDecoder> Ptr;
~JPEGRtpDecoder() override = default;
* 返回编码类型ID
CodecId getCodecId() const override;
* 输入rtp并解码
* @param rtp rtp数据包
* @param key_pos 此参数内部强制转换为false,请忽略之
bool inputRtp(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, bool key_pos = false) override;
struct PayloadContext _ctx;
class JPEGRtpEncoder : public JPEGRtpDecoder, public RtpInfo {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<JPEGRtpEncoder>;
JPEGRtpEncoder(uint32_t ssrc, uint32_t mtu = 1400, uint32_t sample_rate = 90000, uint8_t payload_type = 96, uint8_t interleaved = TrackVideo * 2);
~JPEGRtpEncoder() = default;
bool inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) override;
void rtpSendJpeg(const uint8_t *buf, int size, uint64_t pts, uint8_t type);
}//namespace mediakit
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef enum {
XX(DVI4_22050, TrackAudio, 17, 22050, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(G729, TrackAudio, 18, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(CelB, TrackVideo, 25, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(JPEG, TrackVideo, 26, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(JPEG, TrackVideo, 26, 90000, 1, CodecJPEG) \
XX(nv, TrackVideo, 28, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(H261, TrackVideo, 31, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(MPV, TrackVideo, 32, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
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