Commit f84981dc by xiongziliang

合并pr(添加录制ts完成通知): #479

parent 0fce108d
......@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ extern "C" {
typedef void* mk_mp4_info;
// GMT 标准时间,单位秒
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_start_time(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_time_len(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 录像长度,单位秒
API_EXPORT float API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_time_len(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 文件大小,单位 BYTE
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_size(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 文件路径
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_path(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 文件名称
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_name(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 文件夹路径
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_folder(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 播放路径
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_url(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 应用名称
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_vhost(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 流 ID
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_app(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
// 虚拟主机
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_stream(const mk_mp4_info ctx);
......@@ -22,61 +22,61 @@ using namespace mediakit;
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_start_time(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->ui64StartedTime;
return info->start_time;
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_time_len(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
API_EXPORT float API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_time_len(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->ui64TimeLen;
return info->time_len;
API_EXPORT uint64_t API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_size(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->ui64FileSize;
return info->file_size;
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_path(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strFilePath.c_str();
return info->file_path.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_file_name(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strFileName.c_str();
return info->file_name.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_folder(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strFolder.c_str();
return info->folder.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_url(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strUrl.c_str();
return info->url.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_vhost(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strVhost.c_str();
return info->vhost.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_app(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strAppName.c_str();
return info->app.c_str();
API_EXPORT const char* API_CALL mk_mp4_info_get_stream(const mk_mp4_info ctx){
RecordInfo *info = (RecordInfo *)ctx;
return info->strStreamId.c_str();
return info->stream.c_str();
......@@ -342,25 +342,29 @@ void installWebHook(){
do_http_hook(hook_stream_not_found,body, nullptr);
static auto getRecordInfo = [](const RecordInfo &info) {
ArgsType body;
body["start_time"] = (Json::UInt64) info.start_time;
body["file_size"] = (Json::UInt64) info.file_size;
body["time_len"] = info.time_len;
body["file_path"] = info.file_path;
body["file_name"] = info.file_name;
body["folder"] = info.folder;
body["url"] = info.url;
body["app"] =;
body["stream"] =;
body["vhost"] = info.vhost;
return body;
#ifdef ENABLE_MP4
if(!hook_enable || hook_record_mp4.empty()){
if (!hook_enable || hook_record_mp4.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
body["start_time"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64StartedTime;
body["time_len"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64TimeLen;
body["file_size"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64FileSize;
body["file_path"] = info.strFilePath;
body["file_name"] = info.strFileName;
body["folder"] = info.strFolder;
body["url"] = info.strUrl;
body["app"] = info.strAppName;
body["stream"] = info.strStreamId;
body["vhost"] = info.strVhost;
do_http_hook(hook_record_mp4,body, nullptr);
do_http_hook(hook_record_mp4, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr);
#endif //ENABLE_MP4
......@@ -368,19 +372,8 @@ void installWebHook(){
if (!hook_enable || hook_record_ts.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
body["start_time"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64StartedTime;
body["time_len"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64TimeLen;
body["file_size"] = (Json::UInt64)info.ui64FileSize;
body["file_path"] = info.strFilePath;
body["file_name"] = info.strFileName;
body["folder"] = info.strFolder;
body["url"] = info.strUrl;
body["app"] = info.strAppName;
body["stream"] = info.strStreamId;
body["vhost"] = info.strVhost;
// 执行 hook
do_http_hook(hook_record_ts, body, nullptr);
do_http_hook(hook_record_ts, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr);
......@@ -421,7 +414,6 @@ void installWebHook(){
......@@ -118,16 +118,12 @@ void HlsMaker::flushLastSegment(bool eof){
seg_dur = 100;
_seg_dur_list.push_back(std::make_tuple(seg_dur, std::move(_last_file_name)));
void HlsMaker::onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t) {
bool HlsMaker::isLive() {
return _seg_number != 0;
......@@ -22,20 +22,6 @@ using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
class TsInfo {
time_t ui64StartedTime; // GMT 标准时间,单位秒
time_t ui64TimeLen; // 录像长度,单位毫秒
off_t ui64FileSize; // 文件大小,单位 BYTE
string strFilePath; // 文件路径
string strFileName; // 文件名称
string strFolder; // 文件夹路径
string strUrl; // 播放路径
string strAppName; // 应用名称
string strStreamId; // 流 ID
string strVhost; // vhost
class HlsMaker {
......@@ -93,16 +79,16 @@ protected:
virtual void onWriteHls(const char *data, int len) = 0;
* 关闭上个ts切片并且写入m3u8索引
* @param eof HLS直播是否已结束
* 上一个 ts 切片写入完成, 可在这里进行通知处理
* @param duration_ms 上一个 ts 切片的时长, 单位为毫秒
void flushLastSegment(bool eof);
virtual void onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration_ms) {};
* 上一个 ts 切片写入完成, 可在这里进行通知处理
* @param duration 上一个 ts 切片的时长, 单位为毫秒
* 关闭上个ts切片并且写入m3u8索引
* @param eof HLS直播是否已结束
virtual void onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration);
void flushLastSegment(bool eof);
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include <ctime>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "HlsMakerImp.h"
#include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h"
#include "Util/util.h"
#include "Util/uv_errno.h"
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ HlsMakerImp::HlsMakerImp(const string &m3u8_file,
delete[] ptr;
_info.strFolder = _path_prefix;
_info.folder = _path_prefix;
HlsMakerImp::~HlsMakerImp() {
......@@ -65,10 +64,11 @@ string HlsMakerImp::onOpenSegment(int index) {
_file = makeFile(segment_path, true);
_info.ui64StartedTime = ::time(NULL);
_info.strFileName = segment_name;
_info.strFilePath = segment_path;
_info.strUrl = _info.strAppName + "/" + _info.strStreamId + "/" + segment_name;
_info.start_time = ::time(NULL);
_info.file_name = segment_name;
_info.file_path = segment_path;
_info.url = + "/" + + "/" + segment_name;
if (!_file) {
WarnL << "create file failed," << segment_path << " " << get_uv_errmsg();
......@@ -108,22 +108,19 @@ void HlsMakerImp::onWriteHls(const char *data, int len) {
//DebugL << "\r\n" << string(data,len);
void HlsMakerImp::onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration) {
void HlsMakerImp::onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration_ms) {
GET_CONFIG(bool, broadcastRecordTs, Hls::kBroadcastRecordTs);
if (broadcastRecordTs) {
auto info = _info;
info.ui64TimeLen = duration;
WorkThreadPool::Instance().getExecutor()->async([info]() {
struct stat fileData;
stat(, &fileData);
const_cast<RecordInfo&>(info).ui64FileSize = fileData.st_size;
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordTs, info);
_file = nullptr;
_info.time_len = duration_ms / 1000.0;
struct stat fileData;
stat(, &fileData);
_info.file_size = fileData.st_size;
NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordTs, _info);
std::shared_ptr<FILE> HlsMakerImp::makeFile(const string &file, bool setbuf) {
auto file_buf = _file_buf;
auto ret = shared_ptr<FILE>(File::create_file(, "wb"), [file_buf](FILE *fp) {
......@@ -139,9 +136,9 @@ std::shared_ptr<FILE> HlsMakerImp::makeFile(const string &file, bool setbuf) {
void HlsMakerImp::setMediaSource(const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream_id) {
_media_src = std::make_shared<HlsMediaSource>(vhost, app, stream_id);
_info.strAppName = app;
_info.strStreamId = stream_id;
_info.strVhost = vhost; = app; = stream_id;
_info.vhost = vhost;
HlsMediaSource::Ptr HlsMakerImp::getMediaSource() const {
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "HlsMaker.h"
#include "HlsMediaSource.h"
#include "RecordInfo.h"
using namespace std;
......@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ protected:
void onDelSegment(int index) override;
void onWriteSegment(const char *data, int len) override;
void onWriteHls(const char *data, int len) override;
void onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration) override;
void onFlushLastSegment(uint32_t duration_ms) override;
std::shared_ptr<FILE> makeFile(const string &file,bool setbuf = false);
......@@ -66,10 +65,10 @@ private:
string _params;
string _path_hls;
string _path_prefix;
RecordInfo _info;
std::shared_ptr<FILE> _file;
std::shared_ptr<char> _file_buf;
HlsMediaSource::Ptr _media_src;
RecordInfo _info;
map<int /*index*/,string/*file_path*/> _segment_file_paths;
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ MP4Recorder::MP4Recorder(const string& strPath,
const string &strStreamId) {
_strPath = strPath;
/////record 业务逻辑//////
_info.strAppName = strApp;
_info.strStreamId = strStreamId;
_info.strVhost = strVhost;
_info.strFolder = strPath; = strApp; = strStreamId;
_info.vhost = strVhost;
_info.folder = strPath;
MP4Recorder::~MP4Recorder() {
......@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ void MP4Recorder::createFile() {
auto strFile = _strPath + strDate + "/" + strTime + ".mp4";
/////record 业务逻辑//////
_info.ui64StartedTime = ::time(NULL);
_info.strFileName = strTime + ".mp4";
_info.strFilePath = strFile;
_info.start_time = ::time(NULL);
_info.file_name = strTime + ".mp4";
_info.file_path = strFile;
_info.strUrl = appName + "/"
+ _info.strAppName + "/"
+ _info.strStreamId + "/"
+ strDate + "/"
+ strTime + ".mp4";
_info.url = appName + "/"
+ + "/"
+ + "/"
+ strDate + "/"
+ strTime + ".mp4";
try {
_muxer = std::make_shared<MP4Muxer>(;
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void MP4Recorder::asyncClose() {
auto info = _info;
WorkThreadPool::Instance().getExecutor()->async([muxer,strFileTmp,strFile,info]() {
const_cast<RecordInfo&>(info).ui64TimeLen = ::time(NULL) - info.ui64StartedTime;
const_cast<RecordInfo&>(info).time_len = ::time(NULL) - info.start_time;
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void MP4Recorder::asyncClose() {
struct stat fileData;
stat(, &fileData);
const_cast<RecordInfo&>(info).ui64FileSize = fileData.st_size;
const_cast<RecordInfo&>(info).file_size = fileData.st_size;
/////record 业务逻辑//////
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#include "Util/TimeTicker.h"
#include "Common/MediaSink.h"
#include "MP4Muxer.h"
#include "RecordInfo.h"
using namespace toolkit;
* Copyright (c) 2020 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "Common/config.h"
namespace mediakit {
class RecordInfo {
time_t ui64StartedTime; // GMT 标准时间,单位秒
time_t ui64TimeLen; // 录像长度,需要注意 mp4 单位是秒,而 hls ts 单位是毫秒
off_t ui64FileSize; // 文件大小,单位 BYTE
string strFilePath; // 文件路径
string strFileName; // 文件名称
string strFolder; // 文件夹路径
string strUrl; // 播放路径
string strAppName; // 应用名称
string strStreamId; // 流 ID
string strVhost; // vhost
} // namespace mediakit
#endif // RECORDINFO_H_
......@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@ using namespace std;
namespace mediakit {
class MediaSinkInterface;
class RecordInfo {
time_t start_time; // GMT 标准时间,单位秒
float time_len; // 录像长度,单位秒
off_t file_size; // 文件大小,单位 BYTE
string file_path; // 文件路径
string file_name; // 文件名称
string folder; // 文件夹路径
string url; // 播放路径
string app; // 应用名称
string stream; // 流 ID
string vhost; // 虚拟主机
class Recorder{
typedef enum {
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