/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef ZLMEDIAKIT_TSMEDIASOURCEMUXER_H #define ZLMEDIAKIT_TSMEDIASOURCEMUXER_H #include "TSMediaSource.h" #include "Record/TsMuxer.h" namespace mediakit { class TSMediaSourceMuxer : public TsMuxer, public MediaSourceEventInterceptor, public std::enable_shared_from_this<TSMediaSourceMuxer> { public: using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TSMediaSourceMuxer>; TSMediaSourceMuxer(const string &vhost, const string &app, const string &stream_id) { _media_src = std::make_shared<TSMediaSource>(vhost, app, stream_id); } ~TSMediaSourceMuxer() override = default; void setListener(const std::weak_ptr<MediaSourceEvent> &listener){ setDelegate(listener); _media_src->setListener(shared_from_this()); } int readerCount() const{ return _media_src->readerCount(); } void onReaderChanged(MediaSource &sender, int size) override { GET_CONFIG(bool, ts_demand, General::kTSDemand); _enabled = ts_demand ? size : true; if (!size && ts_demand) { _clear_cache = true; } MediaSourceEventInterceptor::onReaderChanged(sender, size); } void inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) override { GET_CONFIG(bool, ts_demand, General::kTSDemand); if (_clear_cache && ts_demand) { _clear_cache = false; _media_src->clearCache(); } if (_enabled || !ts_demand) { TsMuxer::inputFrame(frame); } } bool isEnabled() { GET_CONFIG(bool, ts_demand, General::kTSDemand); //缓存尚未清空时,还允许触发inputFrame函数,以便及时清空缓存 return ts_demand ? (_clear_cache ? true : _enabled) : true; } protected: void onTs(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer, uint32_t timestamp, bool is_idr_fast_packet) override { if (!buffer) { return; } auto packet = std::make_shared<TSPacket>(std::move(buffer)); packet->time_stamp = timestamp; _media_src->onWrite(std::move(packet), is_idr_fast_packet); } private: bool _enabled = true; bool _clear_cache = false; TSMediaSource::Ptr _media_src; }; }//namespace mediakit #endif //ZLMEDIAKIT_TSMEDIASOURCEMUXER_H