 * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
 * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
 * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#ifndef RTSP_RTSP_H_
#define RTSP_RTSP_H_

#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "Util/util.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
#include "Common/macros.h"
#include "Extension/Frame.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
using namespace mediakit;

namespace mediakit {

namespace Rtsp {
typedef enum {
    RTP_Invalid = -1,
    RTP_TCP = 0,
    RTP_UDP = 1,
} eRtpType;

#define RTP_PT_MAP(XX) \
    XX(PCMU, TrackAudio, 0, 8000, 1, CodecG711U) \
    XX(GSM, TrackAudio , 3, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(G723, TrackAudio, 4, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(DVI4_8000, TrackAudio, 5, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(DVI4_16000, TrackAudio, 6, 16000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(LPC, TrackAudio, 7, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(PCMA, TrackAudio, 8, 8000, 1, CodecG711A) \
    XX(G722, TrackAudio, 9, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(L16_Stereo, TrackAudio, 10, 44100, 2, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(L16_Mono, TrackAudio, 11, 44100, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(QCELP, TrackAudio, 12, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(CN, TrackAudio, 13, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(MPA, TrackAudio, 14, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(G728, TrackAudio, 15, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(DVI4_11025, TrackAudio, 16, 11025, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(DVI4_22050, TrackAudio, 17, 22050, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(G729, TrackAudio, 18, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(CelB, TrackVideo, 25, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(JPEG, TrackVideo, 26, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(nv, TrackVideo, 28, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(H261, TrackVideo, 31, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(MPV, TrackVideo, 32, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(MP2T, TrackVideo, 33, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
    XX(H263, TrackVideo, 34, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \

typedef enum {
#define ENUM_DEF(name, type, value, clock_rate, channel, codec_id) PT_ ## name = value,
#undef ENUM_DEF
    PT_MAX = 128
} PayloadType;


#if defined(_WIN32)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#endif // defined(_WIN32)

class RtpHeader {
    uint32_t version: 2;
    uint32_t padding: 1;
    uint32_t ext: 1;
    uint32_t csrc: 4;
    uint32_t mark: 1;
    uint32_t pt: 7;
    uint32_t csrc: 4;
    uint32_t ext: 1;
    uint32_t padding: 1;
    uint32_t version: 2;
    uint32_t pt: 7;
    uint32_t mark: 1;
    uint32_t seq: 16;
    uint32_t stamp;
    uint32_t ssrc;
    //负载,如果有csrc和ext,前面为 4 * csrc + (4 + 4 * ext_len)
    uint8_t payload;

    size_t getCsrcSize() const;
    uint8_t *getCsrcData();

    size_t getExtSize() const;
    uint8_t *getExtData();

    uint8_t* getPayloadData();
    size_t getPayloadSize(size_t rtp_size) const;
    string dumpString(size_t rtp_size) const;

    size_t getPayloadOffset() const;
    size_t getPaddingSize(size_t rtp_size) const;

#if defined(_WIN32)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // defined(_WIN32)

//此rtp为rtp over tcp形式,需要忽略前4个字节
class RtpPacket : public BufferRaw{
    using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<RtpPacket>;
    enum {
        kRtpVersion = 2,
        kRtpHeaderSize = 12,
        kRtpTcpHeaderSize = 4

    RtpHeader* getHeader();
    string dumpString() const;

    uint16_t getSeq();
    uint32_t getStampMS();
    uint32_t getSSRC();
    uint8_t* getPayload();
    size_t getPayloadSize();

    TrackType type;
    uint32_t sample_rate;

    static Ptr create();

    friend class ResourcePool_l<RtpPacket>;
    RtpPacket() = default;

    ObjectStatistic<RtpPacket> _statistic;

class RtpPayload {
    static int getClockRate(int pt);
    static TrackType getTrackType(int pt);
    static int getAudioChannel(int pt);
    static const char *getName(int pt);
    static CodecId getCodecId(int pt);

    RtpPayload() = delete;
    ~RtpPayload() = delete;

class SdpTrack {
    using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpTrack>;

    string _m;
    string _o;
    string _s;
    string _i;
    string _c;
    string _t;
    string _b;
    uint16_t _port;

    float _duration = 0;
    float _start = 0;
    float _end = 0;

    map<char, string> _other;
    map<string, string> _attr;

    string toString() const;
    string getName() const;
    string getControlUrl(const string &base_url) const;

    int _pt;
    int _channel;
    int _samplerate;
    TrackType _type;
    string _codec;
    string _fmtp;
    string _control;

    bool _inited = false;
    uint8_t _interleaved = 0;
    uint16_t _seq = 0;
    uint32_t _ssrc = 0;
    uint32_t _time_stamp = 0;

class SdpParser {
    using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpParser>;

    SdpParser() {}
    SdpParser(const string &sdp) { load(sdp); }
    ~SdpParser() {}

    void load(const string &sdp);
    bool available() const;
    SdpTrack::Ptr getTrack(TrackType type) const;
    vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> getAvailableTrack() const;
    string toString() const;

    vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> _track_vec;

 * 解析rtsp url的工具类
class RtspUrl{
    bool _is_ssl;
    uint16_t _port;
    string _url;
    string _user;
    string _passwd;
    string _host;

    RtspUrl() = default;
    ~RtspUrl() = default;
    bool parse(const string &url);

    bool setup(bool,const string &, const string &, const string &);

* rtsp sdp基类
class Sdp : public CodecInfo{
    using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Sdp>;

     * 构造sdp
     * @param sample_rate 采样率
     * @param payload_type pt类型
    Sdp(uint32_t sample_rate, uint8_t payload_type){
        _sample_rate = sample_rate;
        _payload_type = payload_type;

    virtual ~Sdp(){}

     * 获取sdp字符串
     * @return
    virtual string getSdp() const  = 0;

     * 获取pt
     * @return
    uint8_t getPayloadType() const{
        return _payload_type;

     * 获取采样率
     * @return
    uint32_t getSampleRate() const{
        return _sample_rate;

    uint8_t _payload_type;
    uint32_t _sample_rate;

* sdp中除音视频外的其他描述部分
class TitleSdp : public Sdp{

     * 构造title类型sdp
     * @param dur_sec rtsp点播时长,0代表直播,单位秒
     * @param header 自定义sdp描述
     * @param version sdp版本
    TitleSdp(float dur_sec = 0,
             const map<string,string> &header = map<string,string>(),
             int version = 0) : Sdp(0,0){
        _printer << "v=" << version << "\r\n";

            for (auto &pr : header){
                _printer << pr.first << "=" << pr.second << "\r\n";
        } else {
            _printer << "o=- 0 0 IN IP4\r\n";
            _printer << "s=Streamed by " << SERVER_NAME << "\r\n";
            _printer << "c=IN IP4\r\n";
            _printer << "t=0 0\r\n";

        if(dur_sec <= 0){
            _printer << "a=range:npt=now-\r\n";
            _printer << "a=range:npt=0-" << dur_sec  << "\r\n";
        _printer << "a=control:*\r\n";
    string getSdp() const override {
        return _printer;

    CodecId getCodecId() const override{
        return CodecInvalid;
    _StrPrinter _printer;

//创建rtp over tcp4个字节的头
Buffer::Ptr makeRtpOverTcpPrefix(uint16_t size, uint8_t interleaved);
void makeSockPair(std::pair<Socket::Ptr, Socket::Ptr> &pair, const string &local_ip);
string printSSRC(uint32_t ui32Ssrc);

} //namespace mediakit
#endif //RTSP_RTSP_H_