/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "Common/config.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Util/NoticeCenter.h" #include "Network/sockutil.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { bool loadIniConfig(const char *ini_path){ string ini; if(ini_path && ini_path[0] != '\0'){ ini = ini_path; }else{ ini = exePath() + ".ini"; } try{ mINI::Instance().parseFile(ini); NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastReloadConfig); return true; }catch (std::exception &ex) { InfoL << "dump ini file to:" << ini; mINI::Instance().dumpFile(ini); return false; } } ////////////广播名称/////////// namespace Broadcast { const string kBroadcastMediaChanged = "kBroadcastMediaChanged"; const string kBroadcastMediaResetTracks = "kBroadcastMediaResetTracks"; const string kBroadcastRecordMP4 = "kBroadcastRecordMP4"; const string kBroadcastHttpRequest = "kBroadcastHttpRequest"; const string kBroadcastHttpAccess = "kBroadcastHttpAccess"; const string kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm = "kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm"; const string kBroadcastOnRtspAuth = "kBroadcastOnRtspAuth"; const string kBroadcastMediaPlayed = "kBroadcastMediaPlayed"; const string kBroadcastMediaPublish = "kBroadcastMediaPublish"; const string kBroadcastFlowReport = "kBroadcastFlowReport"; const string kBroadcastReloadConfig = "kBroadcastReloadConfig"; const string kBroadcastShellLogin = "kBroadcastShellLogin"; const string kBroadcastNotFoundStream = "kBroadcastNotFoundStream"; const string kBroadcastStreamNoneReader = "kBroadcastStreamNoneReader"; const string kBroadcastHttpBeforeAccess = "kBroadcastHttpBeforeAccess"; } //namespace Broadcast //通用配置项目 namespace General{ #define GENERAL_FIELD "general." const string kFlowThreshold = GENERAL_FIELD"flowThreshold"; const string kStreamNoneReaderDelayMS = GENERAL_FIELD"streamNoneReaderDelayMS"; const string kMaxStreamWaitTimeMS = GENERAL_FIELD"maxStreamWaitMS"; const string kEnableVhost = GENERAL_FIELD"enableVhost"; const string kUltraLowDelay = GENERAL_FIELD"ultraLowDelay"; const string kAddMuteAudio = GENERAL_FIELD"addMuteAudio"; const string kResetWhenRePlay = GENERAL_FIELD"resetWhenRePlay"; const string kPublishToRtxp = GENERAL_FIELD"publishToRtxp"; const string kPublishToHls = GENERAL_FIELD"publishToHls"; const string kPublishToMP4 = GENERAL_FIELD"publishToMP4"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kFlowThreshold] = 1024; mINI::Instance()[kStreamNoneReaderDelayMS] = 5 * 1000; mINI::Instance()[kMaxStreamWaitTimeMS] = 5 * 1000; mINI::Instance()[kEnableVhost] = 0; mINI::Instance()[kUltraLowDelay] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kAddMuteAudio] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kResetWhenRePlay] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kPublishToRtxp] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kPublishToHls] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kPublishToMP4] = 0; },nullptr); }//namespace General ////////////HTTP配置/////////// namespace Http { #define HTTP_FIELD "http." //http 文件发送缓存大小 const string kSendBufSize = HTTP_FIELD"sendBufSize"; //http 最大请求字节数 const string kMaxReqSize = HTTP_FIELD"maxReqSize"; //http keep-alive秒数 const string kKeepAliveSecond = HTTP_FIELD"keepAliveSecond"; //http 字符编码 const string kCharSet = HTTP_FIELD"charSet"; //http 服务器根目录 const string kRootPath = HTTP_FIELD"rootPath"; //http 404错误提示内容 const string kNotFound = HTTP_FIELD"notFound"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kSendBufSize] = 64 * 1024; mINI::Instance()[kMaxReqSize] = 4*1024; mINI::Instance()[kKeepAliveSecond] = 15; #if defined(_WIN32) mINI::Instance()[kCharSet] = "gb2312"; #else mINI::Instance()[kCharSet] ="utf-8"; #endif mINI::Instance()[kRootPath] = "./www"; mINI::Instance()[kNotFound] = "<html>" "<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>" "<body bgcolor=\"white\">" "<center><h1>您访问的资源不存在!</h1></center>" "<hr><center>" SERVER_NAME "</center>" "</body>" "</html>"; },nullptr); }//namespace Http ////////////SHELL配置/////////// namespace Shell { #define SHELL_FIELD "shell." const string kMaxReqSize = SHELL_FIELD"maxReqSize"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kMaxReqSize] = 1024; },nullptr); } //namespace Shell ////////////RTSP服务器配置/////////// namespace Rtsp { #define RTSP_FIELD "rtsp." const string kAuthBasic = RTSP_FIELD"authBasic"; const string kHandshakeSecond = RTSP_FIELD"handshakeSecond"; const string kKeepAliveSecond = RTSP_FIELD"keepAliveSecond"; const string kDirectProxy = RTSP_FIELD"directProxy"; const string kModifyStamp = RTSP_FIELD"modifyStamp"; onceToken token([](){ //默认Md5方式认证 mINI::Instance()[kAuthBasic] = 0; mINI::Instance()[kHandshakeSecond] = 15; mINI::Instance()[kKeepAliveSecond] = 15; mINI::Instance()[kDirectProxy] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kModifyStamp] = false; },nullptr); } //namespace Rtsp ////////////RTMP服务器配置/////////// namespace Rtmp { #define RTMP_FIELD "rtmp." const string kModifyStamp = RTMP_FIELD"modifyStamp"; const string kHandshakeSecond = RTMP_FIELD"handshakeSecond"; const string kKeepAliveSecond = RTMP_FIELD"keepAliveSecond"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kModifyStamp] = true; mINI::Instance()[kHandshakeSecond] = 15; mINI::Instance()[kKeepAliveSecond] = 15; },nullptr); } //namespace RTMP ////////////RTP配置/////////// namespace Rtp { #define RTP_FIELD "rtp." //RTP打包最大MTU,公网情况下更小 const string kVideoMtuSize = RTP_FIELD"videoMtuSize"; const string kAudioMtuSize = RTP_FIELD"audioMtuSize"; //RTP排序缓存最大个数 const string kMaxRtpCount = RTP_FIELD"maxRtpCount"; //如果RTP序列正确次数累计达到该数字就启动清空排序缓存 const string kClearCount = RTP_FIELD"clearCount"; //最大RTP时间为13个小时,每13小时回环一次 const string kCycleMS = RTP_FIELD"cycleMS"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kVideoMtuSize] = 1400; mINI::Instance()[kAudioMtuSize] = 600; mINI::Instance()[kMaxRtpCount] = 50; mINI::Instance()[kClearCount] = 10; mINI::Instance()[kCycleMS] = 13*60*60*1000; },nullptr); } //namespace Rtsp ////////////组播配置/////////// namespace MultiCast { #define MULTI_FIELD "multicast." //组播分配起始地址 const string kAddrMin = MULTI_FIELD"addrMin"; //组播分配截止地址 const string kAddrMax = MULTI_FIELD"addrMax"; //组播TTL const string kUdpTTL = MULTI_FIELD"udpTTL"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kAddrMin] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kAddrMax] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kUdpTTL] = 64; },nullptr); } //namespace MultiCast ////////////录像配置/////////// namespace Record { #define RECORD_FIELD "record." //查看录像的应用名称 const string kAppName = RECORD_FIELD"appName"; //每次流化MP4文件的时长,单位毫秒 const string kSampleMS = RECORD_FIELD"sampleMS"; //MP4文件录制大小,默认一个小时 const string kFileSecond = RECORD_FIELD"fileSecond"; //录制文件路径 const string kFilePath = RECORD_FIELD"filePath"; //mp4文件写缓存大小 const string kFileBufSize = RECORD_FIELD"fileBufSize"; //mp4录制完成后是否进行二次关键帧索引写入头部 const string kFastStart = RECORD_FIELD"fastStart"; //mp4文件是否重头循环读取 const string kFileRepeat = RECORD_FIELD"fileRepeat"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kAppName] = "record"; mINI::Instance()[kSampleMS] = 500; mINI::Instance()[kFileSecond] = 60*60; mINI::Instance()[kFilePath] = "./www"; mINI::Instance()[kFileBufSize] = 64 * 1024; mINI::Instance()[kFastStart] = false; mINI::Instance()[kFileRepeat] = false; },nullptr); } //namespace Record ////////////HLS相关配置/////////// namespace Hls { #define HLS_FIELD "hls." //HLS切片时长,单位秒 const string kSegmentDuration = HLS_FIELD"segDur"; //HLS切片个数 const string kSegmentNum = HLS_FIELD"segNum"; //HLS切片从m3u8文件中移除后,继续保留在磁盘上的个数 const string kSegmentRetain = HLS_FIELD"segRetain"; //HLS文件写缓存大小 const string kFileBufSize = HLS_FIELD"fileBufSize"; //录制文件路径 const string kFilePath = HLS_FIELD"filePath"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kSegmentDuration] = 2; mINI::Instance()[kSegmentNum] = 3; mINI::Instance()[kSegmentRetain] = 5; mINI::Instance()[kFileBufSize] = 64 * 1024; mINI::Instance()[kFilePath] = "./www"; },nullptr); } //namespace Hls ////////////Rtp代理相关配置/////////// namespace RtpProxy { #define RTP_PROXY_FIELD "rtp_proxy." //rtp调试数据保存目录 const string kDumpDir = RTP_PROXY_FIELD"dumpDir"; //是否限制udp数据来源ip和端口 const string kCheckSource = RTP_PROXY_FIELD"checkSource"; //rtp类型,支持MP2P/MP4V-ES const string kRtpType = RTP_PROXY_FIELD"rtp_type"; //rtp接收超时时间 const string kTimeoutSec = RTP_PROXY_FIELD"timeoutSec"; onceToken token([](){ mINI::Instance()[kDumpDir] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kCheckSource] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kRtpType] = "MP2P"; mINI::Instance()[kTimeoutSec] = 15; },nullptr); } //namespace RtpProxy namespace Client { const string kNetAdapter = "net_adapter"; const string kRtpType = "rtp_type"; const string kRtspUser = "rtsp_user" ; const string kRtspPwd = "rtsp_pwd"; const string kRtspPwdIsMD5 = "rtsp_pwd_md5"; const string kTimeoutMS = "protocol_timeout_ms"; const string kMediaTimeoutMS = "media_timeout_ms"; const string kBeatIntervalMS = "beat_interval_ms"; const string kMaxAnalysisMS = "max_analysis_ms"; } } // namespace mediakit