/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef ENABLE_X264 #include "H264Encoder.h" #include "Util/TimeTicker.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { H264Encoder::H264Encoder() { } H264Encoder::~H264Encoder() { //* 清除图像区域 if (_pPicIn) { delete _pPicIn; _pPicIn = nullptr; } if (_pPicOut) { delete _pPicOut; _pPicOut = nullptr; } //* 关闭编码器句柄 if (_pX264Handle) { x264_encoder_close(_pX264Handle); _pX264Handle = nullptr; } } /*typedef struct x264_param_t { CPU 标志位 unsigned int cpu; int i_threads; 并行编码多帧 int b_deterministic; 是否允许非确定性时线程优化 int i_sync_lookahead; 线程超前缓冲 视频属性 int i_width; 宽度 int i_height; 高度 int i_csp; 编码比特流的CSP,仅支持i420,色彩空间设置 int i_level_idc; level值的设置 int i_frame_total; 编码帧的总数, 默认 0 Vui参数集视频可用性信息视频标准化选项 struct { they will be reduced to be 0 < x <= 65535 and prime int i_sar_height; int i_sar_width; 设置长宽比 int i_overscan; 0=undef, 1=no overscan, 2=overscan 过扫描线,默认"undef"(不设置),可选项:show(观看)/crop(去除) 见以下的值h264附件E Int i_vidformat; 视频格式,默认"undef",component/pal/ntsc/secam/mac/undef int b_fullrange; Specify full range samples setting,默认"off",可选项:off/on int i_colorprim; 原始色度格式,默认"undef",可选项:undef/bt709/bt470m/bt470bg,smpte170m/smpte240m/film int i_transfer; 转换方式,默认"undef",可选项:undef/bt709/bt470m/bt470bg/linear,log100/log316/smpte170m/smpte240m int i_colmatrix; 色度矩阵设置,默认"undef",undef/bt709/fcc/bt470bg,smpte170m/smpte240m/GBR/YCgCo int i_chroma_loc; both top & bottom色度样本指定,范围0~5,默认0 } vui; int i_fps_num; int i_fps_den; 这两个参数是由fps帧率确定的,赋值的过程见下: { float fps; if( sscanf( value, "%d/%d", &p->i_fps_num, &p->i_fps_den ) == 2 ) ; else if( sscanf( value, "%f", &fps ) ) { p->i_fps_num = (int)(fps * 1000 + .5); p->i_fps_den = 1000; } else b_error = 1; } Value的值就是fps。 流参数 int i_frame_reference; 参考帧最大数目 int i_keyint_max; 在此间隔设置IDR关键帧 int i_keyint_min; 场景切换少于次值编码位I, 而不是 IDR. int i_scenecut_threshold; 如何积极地插入额外的I帧 int i_bframe; 两个相关图像间P帧的数目 int i_bframe_adaptive; 自适应B帧判定 int i_bframe_bias; 控制插入B帧判定,范围-100~+100,越高越容易插入B帧,默认0 int b_bframe_pyramid; 允许部分B为参考帧 去块滤波器需要的参数 int b_deblocking_filter; int i_deblocking_filter_alphac0; [-6, 6] -6 light filter, 6 strong int i_deblocking_filter_beta; [-6, 6] idem 熵编码 int b_cabac; int i_cabac_init_idc; int b_interlaced; 隔行扫描 量化 int i_cqm_preset; 自定义量化矩阵(CQM),初始化量化模式为flat char *psz_cqm_file; JM format读取JM格式的外部量化矩阵文件,自动忽略其他—cqm 选项 uint8_t cqm_4iy[16]; used only if i_cqm_preset == X264_CQM_CUSTOM uint8_t cqm_4ic[16]; uint8_t cqm_4py[16]; uint8_t cqm_4pc[16]; uint8_t cqm_8iy[64]; uint8_t cqm_8py[64]; 日志 void (*pf_log)( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list ); void *p_log_private; int i_log_level; int b_visualize; char *psz_dump_yuv; 重建帧的名字 编码分析参数 struct { unsigned int intra; 帧间分区 unsigned int inter; 帧内分区 int b_transform_8x8; 帧间分区 int b_weighted_bipred; 为b帧隐式加权 int i_direct_mv_pred; 时间空间队运动预测 int i_chroma_qp_offset; 色度量化步长偏移量 int i_me_method; 运动估计算法 (X264_ME_*) int i_me_range; 整像素运动估计搜索范围 (from predicted mv) int i_mv_range; 运动矢量最大长度(in pixels). -1 = auto, based on level int i_mv_range_thread; 线程之间的最小空间. -1 = auto, based on number of threads. int i_subpel_refine; 亚像素运动估计质量 int b_chroma_me; 亚像素色度运动估计和P帧的模式选择 int b_mixed_references; 允许每个宏块的分区在P帧有它自己的参考号 int i_trellis; Trellis量化,对每个8x8的块寻找合适的量化值,需要CABAC,默认0 0:关闭1:只在最后编码时使用2:一直使用 int b_fast_pskip; 快速P帧跳过检测 int b_dct_decimate; 在P-frames转换参数域 int i_noise_reduction; 自适应伪盲区 float f_psy_rd; Psy RD strength float f_psy_trellis; Psy trellis strength int b_psy; Toggle all psy optimizations ,亮度量化中使用的无效区大小 int i_luma_deadzone[2]; {帧间, 帧内} int b_psnr; 计算和打印PSNR信息 int b_ssim; 计算和打印SSIM信息 } analyse; 码率控制参数 struct { int i_rc_method; X264_RC_* int i_qp_constant; 0-51 int i_qp_min; 允许的最小量化值 int i_qp_max; 允许的最大量化值 int i_qp_step; 帧间最大量化步长 int i_bitrate; 设置平均码率 float f_rf_constant; 1pass VBR, nominal QP float f_rate_tolerance; int i_vbv_max_bitrate; 平均码率模式下,最大瞬时码率,默认0(与-B设置相同) int i_vbv_buffer_size; 码率控制缓冲区的大小,单位kbit,默认0 float f_vbv_buffer_init; <=1: fraction of buffer_size. >1: kbit码率控制缓冲区数据保留的最大数据量与缓冲区大小之比,范围0~1.0,默认0.9 float f_ip_factor; float f_pb_factor; int i_aq_mode; psy adaptive QP. (X264_AQ_*) float f_aq_strength; int b_mb_tree; Macroblock-tree ratecontrol. int i_lookahead; 2pass 多次压缩码率控制 int b_stat_write; Enable stat writing in psz_stat_out char *psz_stat_out; int b_stat_read; Read stat from psz_stat_in and use it char *psz_stat_in; 2pass params (same as ffmpeg ones) float f_qcompress; 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp float f_qblur; 时间上模糊量化 float f_complexity_blur; 时间上模糊复杂性 x264_zone_t *zones; 码率控制覆盖 int i_zones; number of zone_t's char *psz_zones; 指定区的另一种方法 } rc; Muxing parameters int b_aud; 生成访问单元分隔符 int b_repeat_headers; 在每个关键帧前放置SPS/PPS int i_sps_id; SPS 和 PPS id 号 切片(像条)参数 int i_slice_max_size; 每片字节的最大数,包括预计的NAL开销. int i_slice_max_mbs; 每片宏块的最大数,重写 i_slice_count int i_slice_count; 每帧的像条数目: 设置矩形像条. Optional callback for freeing this x264_param_t when it is done being used. * Only used when the x264_param_t sits in memory for an indefinite period of time, * i.e. when an x264_param_t is passed to x264_t in an x264_picture_t or in zones. * Not used when x264_encoder_reconfig is called directly. void (*param_free)( void* ); } x264_param_t;*/ bool H264Encoder::init(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iFps) { if (_pX264Handle) { return true; } x264_param_t X264Param, *pX264Param = &X264Param; //* 配置参数 //* 使用默认参数 x264_param_default_preset(pX264Param, "ultrafast", "zerolatency"); //* cpuFlags pX264Param->i_threads = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO; //* 取空缓冲区继续使用不死锁的保证. //* video Properties pX264Param->i_width = iWidth; //* 宽度. pX264Param->i_height = iHeight; //* 高度 pX264Param->i_frame_total = 0; //* 编码总帧数.不知道用0. pX264Param->i_keyint_max = iFps * 3; //ffmpeg:gop_size 关键帧最大间隔 pX264Param->i_keyint_min = iFps * 1; //ffmpeg:keyint_min 关键帧最小间隔 //* Rate control Parameters pX264Param->rc.i_bitrate = 5000; //* 码率(比特率,单位Kbps) pX264Param->rc.i_qp_step = 1; //最大的在帧与帧之间进行切变的量化因子的变化量。ffmpeg:max_qdiff pX264Param->rc.i_qp_min = 10; //ffmpeg:qmin;最小的量化因子。取值范围1-51。建议在10-30之间。 pX264Param->rc.i_qp_max = 41; //ffmpeg:qmax;最大的量化因子。取值范围1-51。建议在10-30之间。 pX264Param->rc.f_qcompress = 0.6;//ffmpeg:qcompress 量化器压缩比率0-1.越小则比特率越区域固定,但是越高越使量化器参数越固定 pX264Param->analyse.i_me_range = 16; //ffmpeg:me_range 运动侦测的半径 pX264Param->i_frame_reference = 3; //ffmpeg:refsB和P帧向前预测参考的帧数。取值范围1-16。 //该值不影响解码的速度,但是越大解码 //所需的内存越大。这个值在一般情况下 //越大效果越好,但是超过6以后效果就 //不明显了。 pX264Param->analyse.i_trellis = 1; //ffmpeg:trellis //pX264Param->analyse.i_me_method=X264_ME_DIA;//ffmpeg:me_method ME_ZERO 运动侦测的方式 pX264Param->rc.f_qblur = 0.5; //ffmpeg:qblur //* bitstream parameters /*open-GOP 码流里面包含B帧的时候才会出现open-GOP。 一个GOP里面的某一帧在解码时要依赖于前一个GOP的某些帧, 这个GOP就称为open-GOP。 有些解码器不能完全支持open-GOP码流, 例如蓝光解码器,因此在x264里面open-GOP是默认关闭的。 对于解码端,接收到的码流如果如下:I0 B0 B1 P0 B2 B3...这就是一个open-GOP码流(I帧后面紧跟B帧)。 因此B0 B1的解码需要用到I0前面一个GOP的数据,B0 B1的dts是小于I0的。 如果码流如下: I0 P0 B0 B1 P1 B2 B3...这就是一个close-GOP码流, I0后面所有帧的解码不依赖于I0前面的帧,I0后面所有帧的dts都比I0的大。 如果码流是IDR0 B0 B1 P0 B2 B3...那个这个GOP是close-GOP,B0,B1虽然dst比IDR0小, 但编解码端都刷新了参考缓冲,B0,B1参考不到前向GOP帧。 对于编码端,如果编码帧类型决定如下: ...P0 B1 B2 P3 B4 B5 I6这就会输出open-Gop码流 (P0 P3 B1 B2 I6 B4 B5...), B4 B5的解码依赖P3。 如果编码帧类型决定如下...P0 B1 B2 P3 B4 P5 I6这样就不会输出open-GOP码流(P0 P3 B1 B2 P5 B4 I6...)。 两者区别在于I6前面的第5帧是设置为B帧还是P帧, 如果一个GOP的最后一帧(上例中是第5帧)设置为B帧, 这个码流就是open-GOP,设置为P帧就是close-GOP。 由于B帧压缩性能好于P帧,因此open-GOP在编码性能上稍微优于close-GOP, 但为了兼容性和少一些麻烦,还是把opne-GOP关闭的好。*/ pX264Param->b_open_gop = 0; pX264Param->i_bframe = 0; //最大B帧数. pX264Param->i_bframe_pyramid = 0; pX264Param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS; //* Log pX264Param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_ERROR; //* muxing parameters pX264Param->i_fps_den = 1; //* 帧率分母 pX264Param->i_fps_num = iFps; //* 帧率分子 pX264Param->i_timebase_den = pX264Param->i_fps_num; pX264Param->i_timebase_num = pX264Param->i_fps_den; pX264Param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 1; //这个参数控制在运动估算过程中质量和速度的权衡。Subq=5可以压缩>10%于subq=1。1-7 pX264Param->analyse.b_fast_pskip = 1; //在P帧内执行早期快速跳跃探测。这个经常在没有任何损失的前提下提高了速度。 pX264Param->b_annexb = 1; //1前面为0x00000001,0为nal长度 pX264Param->b_repeat_headers = 1; //关键帧前面是否放sps跟pps帧,0 否 1,放 //* 设置Profile.使用baseline x264_param_apply_profile(pX264Param, "high"); //* 打开编码器句柄,通过x264_encoder_parameters得到设置给X264 //* 的参数.通过x264_encoder_reconfig更新X264的参数 _pX264Handle = x264_encoder_open(pX264Param); if (!_pX264Handle) { return false; } _pPicIn = new x264_picture_t; _pPicOut = new x264_picture_t; x264_picture_init(_pPicIn); x264_picture_init(_pPicOut); _pPicIn->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420; _pPicIn->img.i_plane = 3; return true; } int H264Encoder::inputData(char* apcYuv[3], int aiYuvLen[3], int64_t i64Pts, H264Frame** ppFrame) { //TimeTicker1(5); _pPicIn->img.i_stride[0] = aiYuvLen[0]; _pPicIn->img.i_stride[1] = aiYuvLen[1]; _pPicIn->img.i_stride[2] = aiYuvLen[2]; _pPicIn->img.plane[0] = (uint8_t *) apcYuv[0]; _pPicIn->img.plane[1] = (uint8_t *) apcYuv[1]; _pPicIn->img.plane[2] = (uint8_t *) apcYuv[2]; _pPicIn->i_pts = i64Pts; int iNal; x264_nal_t* pNals; int iResult = x264_encoder_encode(_pX264Handle, &pNals, &iNal, _pPicIn, _pPicOut); if (iResult <= 0) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < iNal; i++) { x264_nal_t pNal = pNals[i]; _aFrames[i].iType = pNal.i_type; _aFrames[i].iLength = pNal.i_payload; _aFrames[i].pucData = pNal.p_payload; } *ppFrame = _aFrames; return iNal; } } /* namespace mediakit */ #endif //ENABLE_X264