/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef ZLMEDIAKIT_FILEREADER_H #define ZLMEDIAKIT_FILEREADER_H #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory> #include "Network/Buffer.h" #include "Util/ResourcePool.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif //MIN namespace mediakit { /** * http content部分基类定义 */ class HttpBody : public std::enable_shared_from_this<HttpBody>{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpBody> Ptr; HttpBody(){} virtual ~HttpBody(){} /** * 剩余数据大小,如果返回-1, 那么就不设置content-length */ virtual ssize_t remainSize() { return 0;}; /** * 读取一定字节数,返回大小可能小于size * @param size 请求大小 * @return 字节对象,如果读完了,那么请返回nullptr */ virtual Buffer::Ptr readData(size_t size) { return nullptr;}; /** * 异步请求读取一定字节数,返回大小可能小于size * @param size 请求大小 * @param cb 回调函数 */ virtual void readDataAsync(size_t size,const function<void(const Buffer::Ptr &buf)> &cb){ //由于unix和linux是通过mmap的方式读取文件,所以把读文件操作放在后台线程并不能提高性能 //反而会由于频繁的线程切换导致性能降低以及延时增加,所以我们默认同步获取文件内容 //(其实并没有读,拷贝文件数据时在内核态完成文件读) cb(readData(size)); } }; /** * string类型的content */ class HttpStringBody : public HttpBody{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpStringBody> Ptr; HttpStringBody(string str); ~HttpStringBody() override = default; ssize_t remainSize() override; Buffer::Ptr readData(size_t size) override ; private: size_t _offset = 0; mutable string _str; }; /** * Buffer类型的content */ class HttpBufferBody : public HttpBody{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpBufferBody> Ptr; HttpBufferBody(Buffer::Ptr buffer); ~HttpBufferBody() override = default; ssize_t remainSize() override; Buffer::Ptr readData(size_t size) override; private: Buffer::Ptr _buffer; }; /** * 文件类型的content */ class HttpFileBody : public HttpBody{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpFileBody> Ptr; /** * 构造函数 * @param fp 文件句柄,文件的偏移量必须为0 * @param offset 相对文件头的偏移量 * @param max_size 最大读取字节数,未判断是否大于文件真实大小 */ HttpFileBody(const std::shared_ptr<FILE> &fp, size_t offset, size_t max_size); HttpFileBody(const string &file_path); ~HttpFileBody() override = default; ssize_t remainSize() override ; Buffer::Ptr readData(size_t size) override; private: void init(const std::shared_ptr<FILE> &fp,size_t offset,size_t max_size); private: size_t _max_size; size_t _offset = 0; std::shared_ptr<FILE> _fp; std::shared_ptr<char> _map_addr; ResourcePool<BufferRaw> _pool; }; class HttpArgs; /** * http MultiForm 方式提交的http content */ class HttpMultiFormBody : public HttpBody { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpMultiFormBody> Ptr; /** * 构造函数 * @param args http提交参数列表 * @param filePath 文件路径 * @param boundary boundary字符串 */ HttpMultiFormBody(const HttpArgs &args,const string &filePath,const string &boundary = "0xKhTmLbOuNdArY"); virtual ~HttpMultiFormBody(){} ssize_t remainSize() override ; Buffer::Ptr readData(size_t size) override; public: static string multiFormBodyPrefix(const HttpArgs &args,const string &boundary,const string &fileName); static string multiFormBodySuffix(const string &boundary); static string multiFormContentType(const string &boundary); private: size_t _offset = 0; size_t _totalSize; string _bodyPrefix; string _bodySuffix; HttpFileBody::Ptr _fileBody; }; }//namespace mediakit #endif //ZLMEDIAKIT_FILEREADER_H