 * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
 * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
 * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include <sys/stat.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <dirent.h>
#endif //!defined(_WIN32)
#include <iomanip>
#include "HttpFileManager.h"
#include "Util/File.h"
#include "HttpConst.h"
#include "HttpSession.h"
#include "Record/HlsMediaSource.h"
#include "Common/Parser.h"

namespace mediakit {

// hls的播放cookie缓存时间默认60秒,
// 每次访问一次该cookie,那么将重新刷新cookie有效期
// 假如播放器在60秒内都未访问该cookie,那么将重新触发hls播放鉴权
static int kHlsCookieSecond = 60;
static const string kCookieName = "ZL_COOKIE";
static const string kHlsSuffix = "/hls.m3u8";

class HttpCookieAttachment {
    HttpCookieAttachment() {};
    ~HttpCookieAttachment() {};
    string _path;
    string _err_msg;
    bool _is_hls = false;
    HlsCookieData::Ptr _hls_data;
    bool _have_find_media_source = false;

const string &HttpFileManager::getContentType(const char *name) {
    return getHttpContentType(name);

static string searchIndexFile(const string &dir){
    DIR *pDir;
    dirent *pDirent;
    if ((pDir = opendir(dir.data())) == NULL) {
        return "";
    set<string> setFile;
    while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) {
        static set<const char *, StrCaseCompare> indexSet = {"index.html", "index.htm", "index"};
        if (indexSet.find(pDirent->d_name) != indexSet.end()) {
            string ret = pDirent->d_name;
            return ret;
    return "";

static bool makeFolderMenu(const string &httpPath, const string &strFullPath, string &strRet) {
    GET_CONFIG(bool, dirMenu, Http::kDirMenu);
    if (!dirMenu) {
        return false;
    string strPathPrefix(strFullPath);
    string last_dir_name;
    if (strPathPrefix.back() == '/') {
    } else {
        last_dir_name = split(strPathPrefix, "/").back();

    if (!File::is_dir(strPathPrefix.data())) {
        return false;
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "<html>\r\n"

    ss << httpPath;
    ss << "</h1>\r\n";
    if (httpPath != "/") {
        ss << "<li><a href=\"";
        ss << "/";
        ss << "\">";
        ss << "根目录";
        ss << "</a></li>\r\n";

        ss << "<li><a href=\"";
        if (!last_dir_name.empty()) {
            ss << "./";
        } else {
            ss << "../";
        ss << "\">";
        ss << "上级目录";
        ss << "</a></li>\r\n";

    DIR *pDir;
    dirent *pDirent;
    if ((pDir = opendir(strPathPrefix.data())) == NULL) {
        return false;
    multimap<string/*url name*/, std::pair<string/*note name*/, string/*file path*/> > file_map;
    while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) {
        if (File::is_special_dir(pDirent->d_name)) {
        if (pDirent->d_name[0] == '.') {
        file_map.emplace(pDirent->d_name, std::make_pair(pDirent->d_name, strPathPrefix + "/" + pDirent->d_name));
    if (httpPath == "/") {
        GET_CONFIG_FUNC(StrCaseMap, virtualPathMap, Http::kVirtualPath, [](const string &str) {
            return Parser::parseArgs(str, ";", ",");
        for (auto &pr : virtualPathMap) {
            file_map.emplace(pr.first, std::make_pair(string("虚拟目录:") + pr.first, File::absolutePath("", pr.second)));
    int i = 0;
    for (auto &pr :file_map) {
        auto &strAbsolutePath = pr.second.second;
        bool isDir = File::is_dir(strAbsolutePath.data());
        ss << "<li><span>" << i++ << "</span>\t";
        ss << "<a href=\"";
        if (!last_dir_name.empty()) {
            ss << last_dir_name << "/" << pr.first;
        } else {
            ss << pr.first;

        if (isDir) {
            ss << "/";
        ss << "\">";
        ss << pr.second.first;
        if (isDir) {
            ss << "/</a></li>\r\n";
        struct stat fileData;
        if (0 == stat(strAbsolutePath.data(), &fileData)) {
            auto &fileSize = fileData.st_size;
            if (fileSize < 1024) {
                ss << " (" << fileData.st_size << "B)" << endl;
            } else if (fileSize < 1024 * 1024) {
                ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << " (" << fileData.st_size / 1024.0 << "KB)";
            } else if (fileSize < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
                ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << " (" << fileData.st_size / 1024 / 1024.0 << "MB)";
            } else {
                ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << " (" << fileData.st_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024.0 << "GB)";
        ss << "</a></li>\r\n";
    ss << "<ul>\r\n";
    ss << "</ul>\r\n</body></html>";
    return true;

static bool emitHlsPlayed(const Parser &parser, const MediaInfo &mediaInfo, const HttpSession::HttpAccessPathInvoker &invoker,TcpSession &sender){
    Broadcast::AuthInvoker auth_invoker = [invoker](const string &err) {
        invoker(err, "", kHlsCookieSecond);
    bool flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPlayed, mediaInfo, auth_invoker, static_cast<SockInfo &>(sender));
    if (!flag) {
    return flag;

class SockInfoImp : public SockInfo{
    typedef std::shared_ptr<SockInfoImp> Ptr;
    SockInfoImp() = default;
    ~SockInfoImp() override = default;

    string get_local_ip() override {
        return _local_ip;

    uint16_t get_local_port() override {
        return _local_port;

    string get_peer_ip() override {
        return _peer_ip;

    uint16_t get_peer_port() override {
        return _peer_port;

    string getIdentifier() const override {
        return _identifier;

    string _local_ip;
    string _peer_ip;
    string _identifier;
    uint16_t _local_port;
    uint16_t _peer_port;

 * 判断http客户端是否有权限访问文件的逻辑步骤
 * 1、根据http请求头查找cookie,找到进入步骤3
 * 2、根据http url参数查找cookie,如果还是未找到cookie则进入步骤5
 * 3、cookie标记是否有权限访问文件,如果有权限,直接返回文件
 * 4、cookie中记录的url参数是否跟本次url参数一致,如果一致直接返回客户端错误码
 * 5、触发kBroadcastHttpAccess事件
static void canAccessPath(TcpSession &sender, const Parser &parser, const MediaInfo &mediaInfo, bool is_dir,
                          const function<void(const string &errMsg, const HttpServerCookie::Ptr &cookie)> &callback) {
    auto uid = parser.Params();
    auto path = parser.Url();

    HttpServerCookie::Ptr cookie = HttpCookieManager::Instance().getCookie(kCookieName, parser.getHeader());
    bool cookie_from_header = true;
    if (!cookie && !uid.empty()) {
        cookie = HttpCookieManager::Instance().getCookieByUid(kCookieName, uid);
        cookie_from_header = false;

    if (cookie) {
        auto lck = cookie->getLock();
        auto attachment = (*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>();
        if (path.find(attachment._path) == 0) {
            if (attachment._err_msg.empty()) {
                if (attachment._is_hls) {
                    cookie_from_header = false;
                callback("", cookie_from_header ? nullptr : cookie);
            if (parser.Params().empty() || parser.Params() == cookie->getUid()) {
                callback(attachment._err_msg, cookie_from_header ? nullptr : cookie);

    bool is_hls = mediaInfo._schema == HLS_SCHEMA;

    SockInfoImp::Ptr info = std::make_shared<SockInfoImp>();
    info->_identifier = sender.getIdentifier();
    info->_peer_ip = sender.get_peer_ip();
    info->_peer_port = sender.get_peer_port();
    info->_local_ip = sender.get_local_ip();
    info->_local_port = sender.get_local_port();

    HttpSession::HttpAccessPathInvoker accessPathInvoker = [callback, uid, path, is_dir, is_hls, mediaInfo, info]
            (const string &errMsg, const string &cookie_path_in, int cookieLifeSecond) {
        HttpServerCookie::Ptr cookie;
        if (cookieLifeSecond) {
            string cookie_path = cookie_path_in;
            if (cookie_path.empty()) {
                cookie_path = is_dir ? path : path.substr(0, path.rfind("/") + 1);

            cookie = HttpCookieManager::Instance().addCookie(kCookieName, uid, cookieLifeSecond);
            auto lck = cookie->getLock();
            HttpCookieAttachment attachment;
            attachment._path = cookie_path;
            attachment._err_msg = errMsg;
            attachment._is_hls = is_hls;
            if (is_hls) {
                attachment._hls_data = std::make_shared<HlsCookieData>(mediaInfo, info);
                attachment._have_find_media_source = false;
            callback(errMsg, cookie);
        } else {
            callback(errMsg, nullptr);

    if (is_hls) {
        emitHlsPlayed(parser, mediaInfo, accessPathInvoker, sender);

    bool flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpAccess, parser, path, is_dir, accessPathInvoker, static_cast<SockInfo &>(sender));
    if (!flag) {
        callback("", nullptr);

 * 发送404 Not Found
static void sendNotFound(const HttpFileManager::invoker &cb) {
    GET_CONFIG(string, notFound, Http::kNotFound);
    cb(404, "text/html", StrCaseMap(), std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(notFound));

 * 拼接文件路径
static string pathCat(const string &a, const string &b){
    if (a.back() == '/') {
        return a + b;
    return a + '/' + b;

 * 访问文件
 * @param sender 事件触发者
 * @param parser http请求
 * @param mediaInfo http url信息
 * @param strFile 文件绝对路径
 * @param cb 回调对象
static void accessFile(TcpSession &sender, const Parser &parser, const MediaInfo &mediaInfo, const string &strFile, const HttpFileManager::invoker &cb) {
    bool is_hls = end_with(strFile, kHlsSuffix);
    bool file_exist = File::is_file(strFile.data());
    if (!is_hls && !file_exist) {

    if (is_hls) {
        const_cast<string &>(mediaInfo._schema) = HLS_SCHEMA;
        replace(const_cast<string &>(mediaInfo._streamid), kHlsSuffix, "");

    weak_ptr<TcpSession> weakSession = sender.shared_from_this();
    canAccessPath(sender, parser, mediaInfo, false, [cb, strFile, parser, is_hls, mediaInfo, weakSession , file_exist](const string &errMsg, const HttpServerCookie::Ptr &cookie) {
        auto strongSession = weakSession.lock();
        if (!strongSession) {
        if (!errMsg.empty()) {
            StrCaseMap headerOut;
            if (cookie) {
                auto lck = cookie->getLock();
                headerOut["Set-Cookie"] = cookie->getCookie((*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._path);
            cb(401, "text/html", headerOut, std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(errMsg));

        auto response_file = [file_exist](const HttpServerCookie::Ptr &cookie, const HttpFileManager::invoker &cb, const string &strFile, const Parser &parser) {
            StrCaseMap httpHeader;
            if (cookie) {
                auto lck = cookie->getLock();
                httpHeader["Set-Cookie"] = cookie->getCookie((*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._path);
            HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker invoker = [&](int code, const StrCaseMap &headerOut, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) {
                if (cookie && file_exist) {
                    auto lck = cookie->getLock();
                    auto is_hls = (*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._is_hls;
                    if (is_hls) {
                cb(code, HttpFileManager::getContentType(strFile.data()), headerOut, body);
            invoker.responseFile(parser.getHeader(), httpHeader, strFile);

        if (!is_hls) {
            response_file(cookie, cb, strFile, parser);

        bool have_find_media_src = false;
        if (cookie) {
            auto lck = cookie->getLock();
            have_find_media_src = (*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._have_find_media_source;
            if (!have_find_media_src) {
                (*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._have_find_media_source = true;
        if (have_find_media_src) {
            response_file(cookie, cb, strFile, parser);
        MediaSource::findAsync(mediaInfo, strongSession, [response_file, cookie, cb, strFile, parser](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
            if (cookie) {
                auto lck = cookie->getLock();
            if (src && File::is_file(strFile.data())) {
                response_file(cookie, cb, strFile, parser);
            auto hls = dynamic_pointer_cast<HlsMediaSource>(src);
            if (!hls) {
                response_file(cookie, cb, strFile, parser);

            hls->waitForFile([response_file, cookie, cb, strFile, parser]() {
                response_file(cookie, cb, strFile, parser);

static string getFilePath(const Parser &parser,const MediaInfo &mediaInfo, TcpSession &sender){
    GET_CONFIG(bool, enableVhost, General::kEnableVhost);
    GET_CONFIG(string, rootPath, Http::kRootPath);
    GET_CONFIG_FUNC(StrCaseMap, virtualPathMap, Http::kVirtualPath, [](const string &str) {
        return Parser::parseArgs(str, ";", ",");

    string url, path;
    auto it = virtualPathMap.find(mediaInfo._app);
    if (it != virtualPathMap.end()) {
        path = it->second;
        url = parser.Url().substr(1 + mediaInfo._app.size());
    } else {
        path = rootPath;
        url = parser.Url();
    auto ret = File::absolutePath(enableVhost ? mediaInfo._vhost + url : url, path);
    NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpBeforeAccess, parser, ret, static_cast<SockInfo &>(sender));
    return ret;

 * 访问文件或文件夹
 * @param sender 事件触发者
 * @param parser http请求
 * @param cb 回调对象
void HttpFileManager::onAccessPath(TcpSession &sender, Parser &parser, const HttpFileManager::invoker &cb) {
    auto fullUrl = string(HTTP_SCHEMA) + "://" + parser["Host"] + parser.FullUrl();
    MediaInfo mediaInfo(fullUrl);
    auto strFile = getFilePath(parser, mediaInfo, sender);
    if (File::is_dir(strFile.data())) {
        auto indexFile = searchIndexFile(strFile);
        if (!indexFile.empty()) {
            strFile = pathCat(strFile, indexFile);
            parser.setUrl(pathCat(parser.Url(), indexFile));
            accessFile(sender, parser, mediaInfo, strFile, cb);
        string strMenu;
        if (!makeFolderMenu(parser.Url(), strFile, strMenu)) {
        canAccessPath(sender, parser, mediaInfo, true, [strMenu, cb](const string &errMsg, const HttpServerCookie::Ptr &cookie) mutable{
            if (!errMsg.empty()) {
                strMenu = errMsg;
            StrCaseMap headerOut;
            if (cookie) {
                headerOut["Set-Cookie"] = cookie->getCookie((*cookie)[kCookieName].get<HttpCookieAttachment>()._path);
            cb(errMsg.empty() ? 200 : 401, "text/html", headerOut, std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(strMenu));

    accessFile(sender, parser, mediaInfo, strFile, cb);


void HttpResponseInvokerImp::operator()(int code, const StrCaseMap &headerOut, const Buffer::Ptr &body) const {
    return operator()(code, headerOut, std::make_shared<HttpBufferBody>(body));

void HttpResponseInvokerImp::operator()(int code, const StrCaseMap &headerOut, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) const{
    if (_lambad) {
        _lambad(code, headerOut, body);

void HttpResponseInvokerImp::operator()(int code, const StrCaseMap &headerOut, const string &body) const{
    this->operator()(code, headerOut, std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(body));

HttpResponseInvokerImp::HttpResponseInvokerImp(const HttpResponseInvokerImp::HttpResponseInvokerLambda0 &lambda){
    _lambad = lambda;

HttpResponseInvokerImp::HttpResponseInvokerImp(const HttpResponseInvokerImp::HttpResponseInvokerLambda1 &lambda){
    if (!lambda) {
        _lambad = nullptr;
    _lambad = [lambda](int code, const StrCaseMap &headerOut, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) {
        string str;
        if (body && body->remainSize()) {
            str = body->readData(body->remainSize())->toString();
        lambda(code, headerOut, str);

void HttpResponseInvokerImp::responseFile(const StrCaseMap &requestHeader,
                                          const StrCaseMap &responseHeader,
                                          const string &filePath) const {
    StrCaseMap &httpHeader = const_cast<StrCaseMap &>(responseHeader);
    std::shared_ptr<FILE> fp(fopen(filePath.data(), "rb"), [](FILE *fp) {
        if (fp) {

    if (!fp) {
        GET_CONFIG(string, notFound, Http::kNotFound);
        GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet);

        auto strContentType = StrPrinter << "text/html; charset=" << charSet << endl;
        httpHeader["Content-Type"] = strContentType;
        (*this)(404, httpHeader, notFound);

    auto &strRange = const_cast<StrCaseMap &>(requestHeader)["Range"];
    size_t iRangeStart = 0;
    size_t iRangeEnd = 0;
    size_t fileSize = File::fileSize(fp.get());

    int code;
    if (strRange.size() == 0) {
        code = 200;
        iRangeEnd = fileSize - 1;
    } else {
        code = 206;
        iRangeStart = atoll(FindField(strRange.data(), "bytes=", "-").data());
        iRangeEnd = atoll(FindField(strRange.data(), "-", nullptr).data());
        if (iRangeEnd == 0) {
            iRangeEnd = fileSize - 1;
        httpHeader.emplace("Content-Range", StrPrinter << "bytes " << iRangeStart << "-" << iRangeEnd << "/" << fileSize << endl);

    HttpBody::Ptr fileBody = std::make_shared<HttpFileBody>(fp, iRangeStart, iRangeEnd - iRangeStart + 1);
    (*this)(code, httpHeader, fileBody);

HttpResponseInvokerImp::operator bool(){
    return _lambad.operator bool();

}//namespace mediakit