/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "Util/base64.h" #include "RtspPusher.h" #include "RtspSession.h" using namespace mediakit::Client; namespace mediakit { RtspPusher::RtspPusher(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const RtspMediaSource::Ptr &src) : TcpClient(poller) { _push_src = src; } RtspPusher::~RtspPusher() { teardown(); DebugL << endl; } void RtspPusher::sendTeardown(){ if (alive()) { if (!_content_base.empty()) { sendRtspRequest("TEARDOWN", _content_base); } shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "teardown")); } } void RtspPusher::teardown() { sendTeardown(); reset(); CLEAR_ARR(_udp_socks); _nonce.clear(); _realm.clear(); _track_vec.clear(); _session_id.clear(); _content_base.clear(); _session_id.clear(); _cseq = 1; _publish_timer.reset(); _beat_timer.reset(); _rtsp_reader.reset(); _track_vec.clear(); _on_res_func = nullptr; } void RtspPusher::publish(const string &url_str) { RtspUrl url; if (!url.parse(url_str)) { onPublishResult(SockException(Err_other, StrPrinter << "illegal rtsp url:" << url_str), false); return; } teardown(); if (url._user.size()) { (*this)[kRtspUser] = url._user; } if (url._passwd.size()) { (*this)[kRtspPwd] = url._passwd; (*this)[kRtspPwdIsMD5] = false; } _url = url_str; _rtp_type = (Rtsp::eRtpType) (int) (*this)[kRtpType]; DebugL << url._url << " " << (url._user.size() ? url._user : "null") << " " << (url._passwd.size() ? url._passwd : "null") << " " << _rtp_type; weak_ptr<RtspPusher> weak_self = dynamic_pointer_cast<RtspPusher>(shared_from_this()); float publish_timeout_sec = (*this)[kTimeoutMS].as<int>() / 1000.0f; _publish_timer.reset(new Timer(publish_timeout_sec, [weak_self]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return false; } strong_self->onPublishResult(SockException(Err_timeout, "publish rtsp timeout"), false); return false; }, getPoller())); if (!(*this)[kNetAdapter].empty()) { setNetAdapter((*this)[kNetAdapter]); } startConnect(url._host, url._port, publish_timeout_sec); } void RtspPusher::onPublishResult(const SockException &ex, bool handshake_done) { if (ex.getErrCode() == Err_shutdown) { //主动shutdown的,不触发回调 return; } if (!handshake_done) { //播放结果回调 _publish_timer.reset(); if (_on_published) { _on_published(ex); } } else { //播放成功后异常断开回调 if (_on_shutdown) { _on_shutdown(ex); } } if (ex) { sendTeardown(); } } void RtspPusher::onErr(const SockException &ex) { //定时器_pPublishTimer为空后表明握手结束了 onPublishResult(ex, !_publish_timer); } void RtspPusher::onConnect(const SockException &err) { if (err) { onPublishResult(err, false); return; } sendAnnounce(); } void RtspPusher::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &buf){ try { input(buf->data(), buf->size()); } catch (exception &e) { SockException ex(Err_other, e.what()); //定时器_pPublishTimer为空后表明握手结束了 onPublishResult(ex, !_publish_timer); } } void RtspPusher::onWholeRtspPacket(Parser &parser) { decltype(_on_res_func) func; _on_res_func.swap(func); if (func) { func(parser); } parser.Clear(); } void RtspPusher::sendAnnounce() { auto src = _push_src.lock(); if (!src) { throw std::runtime_error("the media source was released"); } //解析sdp _sdp_parser.load(src->getSdp()); _track_vec = _sdp_parser.getAvailableTrack(); if (_track_vec.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("无有效的Sdp Track"); } _on_res_func = std::bind(&RtspPusher::handleResAnnounce, this, placeholders::_1); sendRtspRequest("ANNOUNCE", _url, {}, src->getSdp()); } void RtspPusher::handleResAnnounce(const Parser &parser) { string authInfo = parser["WWW-Authenticate"]; //发送DESCRIBE命令后的回复 if ((parser.Url() == "401") && handleAuthenticationFailure(authInfo)) { sendAnnounce(); return; } if (parser.Url() == "302") { auto newUrl = parser["Location"]; if (newUrl.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("未找到Location字段(跳转url)"); } publish(newUrl); return; } if (parser.Url() != "200") { throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter << "ANNOUNCE:" << parser.Url() << " " << parser.Tail()); } _content_base = parser["Content-Base"]; if (_content_base.empty()) { _content_base = _url; } if (_content_base.back() == '/') { _content_base.pop_back(); } sendSetup(0); } bool RtspPusher::handleAuthenticationFailure(const string ¶ms_str) { if (!_realm.empty()) { //已经认证过了 return false; } char *realm = new char[params_str.size()]; char *nonce = new char[params_str.size()]; char *stale = new char[params_str.size()]; onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() { delete[] realm; delete[] nonce; delete[] stale; }); if (sscanf(params_str.data(), "Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\", stale=%[a-zA-Z]", realm, nonce, stale) == 3) { _realm = (const char *) realm; _nonce = (const char *) nonce; return true; } if (sscanf(params_str.data(), "Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\"", realm, nonce) == 2) { _realm = (const char *) realm; _nonce = (const char *) nonce; return true; } if (sscanf(params_str.data(), "Basic realm=\"%[^\"]\"", realm) == 1) { _realm = (const char *) realm; return true; } return false; } //有必要的情况下创建udp端口 void RtspPusher::createUdpSockIfNecessary(int track_idx){ auto &rtp_sock = _udp_socks[track_idx]; if (!rtp_sock) { rtp_sock = createSocket(); //rtp随机端口 if (!rtp_sock->bindUdpSock(0, get_local_ip().data())) { rtp_sock.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("open rtp sock failed"); } } } void RtspPusher::sendSetup(unsigned int track_idx) { _on_res_func = std::bind(&RtspPusher::handleResSetup, this, placeholders::_1, track_idx); auto &track = _track_vec[track_idx]; auto base_url = _content_base + "/" + track->_control_surffix; if (track->_control.find("://") != string::npos) { base_url = track->_control; } switch (_rtp_type) { case Rtsp::RTP_TCP: { sendRtspRequest("SETUP", base_url, {"Transport", StrPrinter << "RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=" << track->_type * 2 << "-" << track->_type * 2 + 1}); } break; case Rtsp::RTP_UDP: { createUdpSockIfNecessary(track_idx); int port = _udp_socks[track_idx]->get_local_port(); sendRtspRequest("SETUP", base_url, {"Transport", StrPrinter << "RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=" << port << "-" << port + 1}); } break; default: break; } } void RtspPusher::handleResSetup(const Parser &parser, unsigned int track_idx) { if (parser.Url() != "200") { throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter << "SETUP:" << parser.Url() << " " << parser.Tail() << endl); } if (track_idx == 0) { _session_id = parser["Session"]; _session_id.append(";"); _session_id = FindField(_session_id.data(), nullptr, ";"); } auto transport = parser["Transport"]; if (transport.find("TCP") != string::npos || transport.find("interleaved") != string::npos) { _rtp_type = Rtsp::RTP_TCP; string interleaved = FindField(FindField((transport + ";").data(), "interleaved=", ";").data(), NULL, "-"); _track_vec[track_idx]->_interleaved = atoi(interleaved.data()); } else if (transport.find("multicast") != string::npos) { throw std::runtime_error("SETUP rtsp pusher can not support multicast!"); } else { _rtp_type = Rtsp::RTP_UDP; createUdpSockIfNecessary(track_idx); const char *strPos = "server_port="; auto port_str = FindField((transport + ";").data(), strPos, ";"); uint16_t port = atoi(FindField(port_str.data(), NULL, "-").data()); struct sockaddr_in rtpto; rtpto.sin_port = ntohs(port); rtpto.sin_family = AF_INET; rtpto.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(get_peer_ip().data()); _udp_socks[track_idx]->setSendPeerAddr((struct sockaddr *) &(rtpto)); } RtspSplitter::enableRecvRtp(_rtp_type == Rtsp::RTP_TCP); if (track_idx < _track_vec.size() - 1) { //需要继续发送SETUP命令 sendSetup(track_idx + 1); return; } sendRecord(); } void RtspPusher::sendOptions() { _on_res_func = [](const Parser &parser) {}; sendRtspRequest("OPTIONS", _content_base); } inline void RtspPusher::sendRtpPacket(const RtspMediaSource::RingDataType &pkt) { switch (_rtp_type) { case Rtsp::RTP_TCP: { size_t i = 0; auto size = pkt->size(); setSendFlushFlag(false); pkt->for_each([&](const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp) { if (++i == size) { setSendFlushFlag(true); } BufferRtp::Ptr buffer(new BufferRtp(rtp)); send(std::move(buffer)); }); break; } case Rtsp::RTP_UDP: { size_t i = 0; auto size = pkt->size(); pkt->for_each([&](const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp) { int iTrackIndex = getTrackIndexByTrackType(rtp->type); auto &pSock = _udp_socks[iTrackIndex]; if (!pSock) { shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "udp sock not opened yet")); return; } BufferRtp::Ptr buffer(new BufferRtp(rtp, 4)); pSock->send(std::move(buffer), nullptr, 0, ++i == size); }); break; } default : break; } } inline int RtspPusher::getTrackIndexByTrackType(TrackType type) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _track_vec.size(); i++) { if (type == _track_vec[i]->_type) { return i; } } if (_track_vec.size() == 1) { return 0; } throw SockException(Err_shutdown, StrPrinter << "no such track with type:" << (int) type); } void RtspPusher::sendRecord() { _on_res_func = [this](const Parser &parser) { auto src = _push_src.lock(); if (!src) { throw std::runtime_error("the media source was released"); } _rtsp_reader = src->getRing()->attach(getPoller()); weak_ptr<RtspPusher> weak_self = dynamic_pointer_cast<RtspPusher>(shared_from_this()); _rtsp_reader->setReadCB([weak_self](const RtspMediaSource::RingDataType &pkt) { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } strong_self->sendRtpPacket(pkt); }); _rtsp_reader->setDetachCB([weak_self]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (strong_self) { strong_self->onPublishResult(SockException(Err_other, "媒体源被释放"), !strong_self->_publish_timer); } }); if (_rtp_type != Rtsp::RTP_TCP) { /////////////////////////心跳///////////////////////////////// _beat_timer.reset(new Timer((*this)[kBeatIntervalMS].as<int>() / 1000.0f, [weak_self]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return false; } strong_self->sendOptions(); return true; }, getPoller())); } onPublishResult(SockException(Err_success, "success"), false); //提升发送性能 setSocketFlags(); }; sendRtspRequest("RECORD", _content_base, {"Range", "npt=0.000-"}); } void RtspPusher::setSocketFlags(){ GET_CONFIG(int, merge_write_ms, General::kMergeWriteMS); if (merge_write_ms > 0) { //提高发送性能 setSendFlags(SOCKET_DEFAULE_FLAGS | FLAG_MORE); SockUtil::setNoDelay(getSock()->rawFD(), false); } } void RtspPusher::sendRtspRequest(const string &cmd, const string &url, const std::initializer_list<string> &header,const string &sdp ) { string key; StrCaseMap header_map; int i = 0; for (auto &val : header) { if (++i % 2 == 0) { header_map.emplace(key, val); } else { key = val; } } sendRtspRequest(cmd, url, header_map, sdp); } void RtspPusher::sendRtspRequest(const string &cmd, const string &url,const StrCaseMap &header_const,const string &sdp ) { auto header = header_const; header.emplace("CSeq", StrPrinter << _cseq++); header.emplace("User-Agent", SERVER_NAME); if (!_session_id.empty()) { header.emplace("Session", _session_id); } if (!_realm.empty() && !(*this)[kRtspUser].empty()) { if (!_nonce.empty()) { //MD5认证 /* response计算方法如下: RTSP客户端应该使用username + password并计算response如下: (1)当password为MD5编码,则 response = md5( password:nonce:md5(public_method:url) ); (2)当password为ANSI字符串,则 response= md5( md5(username:realm:password):nonce:md5(public_method:url) ); */ string encrypted_pwd = (*this)[kRtspPwd]; if (!(*this)[kRtspPwdIsMD5].as<bool>()) { encrypted_pwd = MD5((*this)[kRtspUser] + ":" + _realm + ":" + encrypted_pwd).hexdigest(); } auto response = MD5(encrypted_pwd + ":" + _nonce + ":" + MD5(cmd + ":" + url).hexdigest()).hexdigest(); _StrPrinter printer; printer << "Digest "; printer << "username=\"" << (*this)[kRtspUser] << "\", "; printer << "realm=\"" << _realm << "\", "; printer << "nonce=\"" << _nonce << "\", "; printer << "uri=\"" << url << "\", "; printer << "response=\"" << response << "\""; header.emplace("Authorization", printer); } else if (!(*this)[kRtspPwdIsMD5].as<bool>()) { //base64认证 string authStr = StrPrinter << (*this)[kRtspUser] << ":" << (*this)[kRtspPwd]; char authStrBase64[1024] = {0}; av_base64_encode(authStrBase64, sizeof(authStrBase64), (uint8_t *) authStr.data(), (int)authStr.size()); header.emplace("Authorization", StrPrinter << "Basic " << authStrBase64); } } if (!sdp.empty()) { header.emplace("Content-Length", StrPrinter << sdp.size()); header.emplace("Content-Type", "application/sdp"); } _StrPrinter printer; printer << cmd << " " << url << " RTSP/1.0\r\n"; for (auto &pr : header) { printer << pr.first << ": " << pr.second << "\r\n"; } printer << "\r\n"; if (!sdp.empty()) { printer << sdp; } SockSender::send(std::move(printer)); } } /* namespace mediakit */