/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef SRC_RTP_RTPPARSERTESTER_H_ #define SRC_RTP_RTPPARSERTESTER_H_ #include <memory> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include "Common/config.h" #include "RtspPlayer.h" #include "RtspDemuxer.h" #include "Poller/Timer.h" #include "Util/TimeTicker.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { class RtspPlayerImp: public PlayerImp<RtspPlayer,RtspDemuxer> { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<RtspPlayerImp> Ptr; RtspPlayerImp(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller) : PlayerImp<RtspPlayer,RtspDemuxer>(poller){} virtual ~RtspPlayerImp(){ DebugL<<endl; }; float getProgress() const override{ if(getDuration() > 0){ return getProgressMilliSecond() / (getDuration() * 1000); } return PlayerBase::getProgress(); }; void seekTo(float fProgress) override{ fProgress = MAX(float(0),MIN(fProgress,float(1.0))); seekToMilliSecond(fProgress * getDuration() * 1000); }; private: //派生类回调函数 bool onCheckSDP(const string &sdp) override { _pRtspMediaSrc = dynamic_pointer_cast<RtspMediaSource>(_pMediaSrc); if(_pRtspMediaSrc){ _pRtspMediaSrc->setSdp(sdp); } _delegate.reset(new RtspDemuxer); _delegate->loadSdp(sdp); return true; } void onRecvRTP(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, const SdpTrack::Ptr &track) override { if(_pRtspMediaSrc){ // rtsp直接代理是无法判断该rtp是否是I帧,所以GOP缓存基本是无效的 // 为了减少内存使用,那么我们设置为一直关键帧以便清空GOP缓存 _pRtspMediaSrc->onWrite(rtp,true); } _delegate->inputRtp(rtp); if(_maxAnalysisMS && _delegate->isInited(_maxAnalysisMS)){ PlayerImp<RtspPlayer,RtspDemuxer>::onPlayResult(SockException(Err_success,"play rtsp success")); _maxAnalysisMS = 0; } } //在RtspPlayer中触发onPlayResult事件只是代表收到play回复了, //并不代表所有track初始化成功了(这跟rtmp播放器不一样) //如果sdp里面信息不完整,只能尝试延后从rtp中恢复关键信息并初始化track //如果超过这个时间还未获取成功,那么会强制触发onPlayResult事件(虽然此时有些track还未初始化成功) void onPlayResult(const SockException &ex) override { //isInited判断条件:无超时 if(ex || _delegate->isInited(0)){ //已经初始化成功,说明sdp里面有完善的信息 PlayerImp<RtspPlayer,RtspDemuxer>::onPlayResult(ex); }else{ //还没初始化成功,说明sdp里面信息不完善,还有一些track未初始化成功 _maxAnalysisMS = (*this)[Client::kMaxAnalysisMS]; } } private: RtspMediaSource::Ptr _pRtspMediaSrc; int _maxAnalysisMS = 0; }; } /* namespace mediakit */ #endif /* SRC_RTP_RTPPARSERTESTER_H_ */