/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "TSMaker.h" #include "Util/logger.h" using namespace ZL::Util; TSMaker::TSMaker() { m_pOutVideoTs = NULL; m_pcFileBuf = NULL; m_uiWritePacketNum = 0; m_pVideo_pes = new TsPes(); m_pAudio_pes = new TsPes(); m_pVideo_pes->ESlen = 0; m_pAudio_pes->ESlen = 0; memset(&m_continuityCounter, 0, sizeof m_continuityCounter); } TSMaker::~TSMaker() { flush(); if (m_pOutVideoTs != NULL) { fflush(m_pOutVideoTs); fclose(m_pOutVideoTs); } if (m_pcFileBuf != NULL) { delete[] m_pcFileBuf; } delete m_pVideo_pes; delete m_pAudio_pes; } void TSMaker::clear() { flush(); if (m_pOutVideoTs != NULL) { fflush(m_pOutVideoTs); fclose(m_pOutVideoTs); m_pOutVideoTs = NULL; } m_uiWritePacketNum = 0; m_pVideo_pes->ESlen = 0; memset(&m_continuityCounter, 0, sizeof m_continuityCounter); } void TSMaker::flush() { unsigned char acTSbuf[TS_PACKET_SIZE]; TsPacketHeader ts_header; if (m_pVideo_pes->ESlen == 0) return; unsigned char *pucTs = acTSbuf; if ((m_uiWritePacketNum % 40) == 0) //每40个包打一个 pat,一个pmt { CreatePAT(); //创建PAT CreatePMT(); //创建PMT } memset(acTSbuf, 0, TS_PACKET_SIZE); CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, TS_H264_PID, 0x00, 0x03); //PID = TS_H264_PID,不是有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x00, ada_field_C,0x03,含有调整字段和有效负载; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, acTSbuf); pucTs += 4; pucTs[0] = 184 - m_pVideo_pes->ESlen - 1; pucTs[1] = 0x00; pucTs += 2; memset(pucTs, 0xFF, (184 - m_pVideo_pes->ESlen - 2)); pucTs += (184 - m_pVideo_pes->ESlen - 2); memcpy(pucTs, m_pVideo_pes->ES, m_pVideo_pes->ESlen); m_pVideo_pes->ESlen = 0; fwrite(acTSbuf, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将一包数据写入文件 m_uiWritePacketNum++; return; } bool TSMaker::init(const string& filename, uint32_t bufsize) { m_strFilename = filename; if (m_pOutVideoTs == NULL) { m_pOutVideoTs = File::createfile_file(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if (m_pOutVideoTs == NULL) { return false; } } if (m_pcFileBuf == NULL) { m_pcFileBuf = new char[bufsize]; setvbuf(m_pOutVideoTs, m_pcFileBuf, _IOFBF, bufsize); } return true; } void TSMaker::CreatePAT() { TsPacketHeader ts_header; TsPat ts_pat; unsigned char aucPat[TS_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char * pucPat; uint32_t ui32PAT_CRC = 0xFFFFFFFF; memset(aucPat, 0xFF, TS_PACKET_SIZE); pucPat = aucPat; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, TS_PAT_PID, 0x01, 0x01); //PID = 0x00,有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x01, ada_field_C,0x01,仅有有效负载 ; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucPat); pucPat[4] = 0; //自适应段的长度为0 pucPat += 5; ts_pat.table_id = 0x00; ts_pat.section_syntax_indicator = 0x01; ts_pat.zero = 0x00; ts_pat.reserved_1 = 0x03; //设置为11; ts_pat.section_length = 0x0d; //pat结构体长度 16个字节减去上面的3个字节 ts_pat.transport_stream_id = 0x01; ts_pat.reserved_2 = 0x03; //设置为11; ts_pat.version_number = 0x00; ts_pat.current_next_indicator = 0x01; //当前的pat 有效 ts_pat.section_number = 0x00; ts_pat.last_section_number = 0x00; ts_pat.program_number = 0x01; ts_pat.reserved_3 = 0x07; //设置为111; ts_pat.program_map_PID = TS_PMT_PID; //PMT的PID ts_pat.CRC_32 = ui32PAT_CRC; //传输过程中检测的一种算法值 先设定一个填充值 pucPat[0] = ts_pat.table_id; pucPat[1] = ts_pat.section_syntax_indicator << 7 | ts_pat.zero << 6 | ts_pat.reserved_1 << 4 | ((ts_pat.section_length >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPat[2] = ts_pat.section_length & 0x00FF; pucPat[3] = ts_pat.transport_stream_id >> 8; pucPat[4] = ts_pat.transport_stream_id & 0x00FF; pucPat[5] = ts_pat.reserved_2 << 6 | ts_pat.version_number << 1 | ts_pat.current_next_indicator; pucPat[6] = ts_pat.section_number; pucPat[7] = ts_pat.last_section_number; pucPat[8] = ts_pat.program_number >> 8; pucPat[9] = ts_pat.program_number & 0x00FF; pucPat[10] = ts_pat.reserved_3 << 5 | ((ts_pat.program_map_PID >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPat[11] = ts_pat.program_map_PID & 0x00FF; pucPat += 12; ui32PAT_CRC = Zwg_ntohl(calc_crc32(aucPat + 5, pucPat - aucPat - 5)); memcpy(pucPat, (unsigned char *) &ui32PAT_CRC, 4); fwrite(aucPat, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将PAT包写入文件 return; } void TSMaker::CreatePMT() { TsPacketHeader ts_header; TsPmt ts_pmt; unsigned char aucPmt[TS_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char * pucPmt; uint32_t ui32PMT_CRC = 0xFFFFFFFF; int iLen = 0; memset(aucPmt, 0xFF, TS_PACKET_SIZE); //将一个包填成0xFF pucPmt = aucPmt; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, TS_PMT_PID, 0x01, 0x01); //PID = 0x00,有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x01, ada_field_C,0x01,仅有有效负载; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucPmt); pucPmt[4] = 0; //自适应段的长度为0 pucPmt += 5; ts_pmt.table_id = 0x02; ts_pmt.section_syntax_indicator = 0x01; ts_pmt.zero = 0x00; ts_pmt.reserved_1 = 0x03; ts_pmt.section_length = 0x17; //PMT结构体长度 16 + 5 + 5个字节减去上面的3个字节 ts_pmt.program_number = 01; //只有一个节目 ts_pmt.reserved_2 = 0x03; ts_pmt.version_number = 0x00; ts_pmt.current_next_indicator = 0x01; //当前的PMT有效 ts_pmt.section_number = 0x00; ts_pmt.last_section_number = 0x00; ts_pmt.reserved_3 = 0x07; ts_pmt.PCR_PID = TS_H264_PID; //视频PID ts_pmt.reserved_4 = 0x0F; ts_pmt.program_info_length = 0x00; //后面无 节目信息描述 ts_pmt.stream_type_video = PMT_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO; //视频的类型 ts_pmt.reserved_5_video = 0x07; ts_pmt.elementary_PID_video = TS_H264_PID; //视频的PID ts_pmt.reserved_6_video = 0x0F; ts_pmt.ES_info_length_video = 0x00; //视频无跟随的相关信息 ts_pmt.stream_type_audio = PMT_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO; //音频类型 ts_pmt.reserved_5_audio = 0x07; ts_pmt.elementary_PID_audio = TS_AAC_PID; //音频PID ts_pmt.reserved_6_audio = 0x0F; ts_pmt.ES_info_length_audio = 0x00; //音频无跟随的相关信息 ts_pmt.CRC_32 = ui32PMT_CRC; pucPmt[0] = ts_pmt.table_id; pucPmt[1] = ts_pmt.section_syntax_indicator << 7 | ts_pmt.zero << 6 | ts_pmt.reserved_1 << 4 | ((ts_pmt.section_length >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPmt[2] = ts_pmt.section_length & 0x00FF; pucPmt[3] = ts_pmt.program_number >> 8; pucPmt[4] = ts_pmt.program_number & 0x00FF; pucPmt[5] = ts_pmt.reserved_2 << 6 | ts_pmt.version_number << 1 | ts_pmt.current_next_indicator; pucPmt[6] = ts_pmt.section_number; pucPmt[7] = ts_pmt.last_section_number; pucPmt[8] = ts_pmt.reserved_3 << 5 | ((ts_pmt.PCR_PID >> 8) & 0x1F); pucPmt[9] = ts_pmt.PCR_PID & 0x0FF; pucPmt[10] = ts_pmt.reserved_4 << 4 | ((ts_pmt.program_info_length >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPmt[11] = ts_pmt.program_info_length & 0xFF; pucPmt[12] = ts_pmt.stream_type_video; //视频流的stream_type pucPmt[13] = ts_pmt.reserved_5_video << 5 | ((ts_pmt.elementary_PID_video >> 8) & 0x1F); pucPmt[14] = ts_pmt.elementary_PID_video & 0x00FF; pucPmt[15] = ts_pmt.reserved_6_video << 4 | ((ts_pmt.ES_info_length_video >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPmt[16] = ts_pmt.ES_info_length_video & 0x0FF; pucPmt[17] = ts_pmt.stream_type_audio; //音频流的stream_type pucPmt[18] = ts_pmt.reserved_5_audio << 5 | ((ts_pmt.elementary_PID_audio >> 8) & 0x1F); pucPmt[19] = ts_pmt.elementary_PID_audio & 0x00FF; pucPmt[20] = ts_pmt.reserved_6_audio << 4 | ((ts_pmt.ES_info_length_audio >> 8) & 0x0F); pucPmt[21] = ts_pmt.ES_info_length_audio & 0x0FF; pucPmt += 22; iLen = pucPmt - aucPmt - 8 + 4; iLen = iLen > 0xffff ? 0 : iLen; *(aucPmt + 6) = 0xb0 | (iLen >> 8); *(aucPmt + 7) = iLen; ui32PMT_CRC = Zwg_ntohl(calc_crc32(aucPmt + 5, pucPmt - aucPmt - 5)); memcpy(pucPmt, (unsigned char *) &ui32PMT_CRC, 4); fwrite(aucPmt, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将PAT包写入文件 } void TSMaker::CreateTsHeader(TsPacketHeader* pTsHeader, unsigned int uiPID, unsigned char ucPlayInit, unsigned char ucAdaFieldC) { pTsHeader->sync_byte = TS_SYNC_BYTE; pTsHeader->tras_error = 0x00; pTsHeader->play_init = ucPlayInit; pTsHeader->tras_prio = 0x00; pTsHeader->PID = uiPID; pTsHeader->tras_scramb = 0x00; pTsHeader->ada_field_C = ucAdaFieldC; if (uiPID == TS_PAT_PID) { //这是pat的包 pTsHeader->conti_cter = (m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_pat % 16); m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_pat++; } else if (uiPID == TS_PMT_PID) { //这是pmt的包 pTsHeader->conti_cter = (m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_pmt % 16); m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_pmt++; } else if (uiPID == TS_H264_PID) { //这是H264的包 pTsHeader->conti_cter = (m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_video % 16); m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_video++; } else if (uiPID == TS_AAC_PID) { //这是MP3的包 pTsHeader->conti_cter = (m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_audio % 16); m_continuityCounter.continuity_counter_audio++; } else { //其他包出错,或可扩展 WarnL << "continuity_counter error packet"; } } void TSMaker::TsHeader2buffer(TsPacketHeader* pTsHeader, unsigned char* pucBuffer) { pucBuffer[0] = pTsHeader->sync_byte; pucBuffer[1] = pTsHeader->tras_error << 7 | pTsHeader->play_init << 6 | pTsHeader->tras_prio << 5 | ((pTsHeader->PID >> 8) & 0x1f); pucBuffer[2] = (pTsHeader->PID & 0x00ff); pucBuffer[3] = pTsHeader->tras_scramb << 6 | pTsHeader->ada_field_C << 4 | pTsHeader->conti_cter; } void TSMaker::WriteAdaptive_flags_Head( Ts_Adaptation_field * pTsAdaptationField, uint64_t ui64VideoPts) { //填写自适应段 pTsAdaptationField->discontinuty_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->random_access_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->elementary_stream_priority_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->PCR_flag = 1; //只用到这个 pTsAdaptationField->OPCR_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->splicing_point_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->transport_private_data_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_extension_flag = 0; //需要自己算 pTsAdaptationField->pcr = ui64VideoPts * 300; pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_length = 7; //占用7位 pTsAdaptationField->opcr = 0; pTsAdaptationField->splice_countdown = 0; pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len = 0; } int TSMaker::inputH264(const char* pcData, uint32_t ui32Len, uint64_t ui64Time) { if (m_pOutVideoTs == NULL) { return false; } m_pVideo_pes->ES = const_cast<char *>(pcData); m_pVideo_pes->ESlen = ui32Len; Ts_Adaptation_field ts_adaptation_field_Head; WriteAdaptive_flags_Head(&ts_adaptation_field_Head, ui64Time); //填写自适应段标志帧头 m_pVideo_pes->packet_start_code_prefix = 0x000001; m_pVideo_pes->stream_id = TS_H264_STREAM_ID; //E0~EF表示是视频的,C0~DF是音频,H264-- E0 m_pVideo_pes->marker_bit = 0x02; m_pVideo_pes->PES_scrambling_control = 0x00; //人选字段 存在,不加扰 m_pVideo_pes->PES_priority = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->data_alignment_indicator = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->copyright = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->original_or_copy = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->PTS_DTS_flags = 0x03; m_pVideo_pes->ESCR_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->ES_rate_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->DSM_trick_mode_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->additional_copy_info_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->PES_CRC_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->PES_extension_flag = 0x00; m_pVideo_pes->PES_header_data_length = 0x0A; //后面的数据包括了PTS和 DTS所占的字节数 PES2TS(m_pVideo_pes, TS_H264_PID, &ts_adaptation_field_Head, ui64Time); m_pVideo_pes->ESlen = 0; return ui32Len; } int TSMaker::inputAAC(const char* pcData, uint32_t ui32Len, uint64_t ui64Pts) { if (m_pOutVideoTs == NULL) { return 0; } m_pAudio_pes->ES = const_cast<char *>(pcData); m_pAudio_pes->ESlen = ui32Len; Ts_Adaptation_field ts_adaptation_field_Head; WriteAdaptive_flags_Tail(&ts_adaptation_field_Head); //填写自适应段标志帧头 m_pAudio_pes->packet_start_code_prefix = 0x000001; m_pAudio_pes->stream_id = TS_AAC_STREAM_ID; //E0~EF表示是视频的,C0~DF是音频,H264-- E0 m_pAudio_pes->marker_bit = 0x02; m_pAudio_pes->PES_scrambling_control = 0x00; //人选字段 存在,不加扰 m_pAudio_pes->PES_priority = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->data_alignment_indicator = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->copyright = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->original_or_copy = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->PTS_DTS_flags = 0x03; m_pAudio_pes->ESCR_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->ES_rate_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->DSM_trick_mode_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->additional_copy_info_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->PES_CRC_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->PES_extension_flag = 0x00; m_pAudio_pes->PES_header_data_length = 0x0A; //后面的数据包括了PTS PES2TS(m_pAudio_pes, TS_AAC_PID, &ts_adaptation_field_Head, ui64Pts); m_pAudio_pes->ESlen = 0; return ui32Len; } void TSMaker::WriteAdaptive_flags_Tail(Ts_Adaptation_field* pTsAdaptationField) { //填写自适应段 pTsAdaptationField->discontinuty_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->random_access_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->elementary_stream_priority_indicator = 0; pTsAdaptationField->PCR_flag = 0; //只用到这个 pTsAdaptationField->OPCR_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->splicing_point_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->transport_private_data_flag = 0; pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_extension_flag = 0; //需要自己算 pTsAdaptationField->pcr = 0; pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_length = 1; //占用1位标志所用的位 pTsAdaptationField->opcr = 0; pTsAdaptationField->splice_countdown = 0; pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len = 0; } void TSMaker::CreateAdaptive_Ts(Ts_Adaptation_field * pTsAdaptationField, unsigned char * pucTs, unsigned int uiAdaptiveLength) { unsigned int uiCurrentAdaptiveLength = 1; //当前已经用的自适应段长度 unsigned char ucAdaptiveflags = 0; //自适应段的标志 unsigned char *pucTmp = pucTs; //填写自适应字段 if (pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_length > 0) { pucTs += 1; //自适应段的一些标志所占用的1个字节 uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += 1; if (pTsAdaptationField->discontinuty_indicator) { ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x80; } if (pTsAdaptationField->random_access_indicator) { ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x40; } if (pTsAdaptationField->elementary_stream_priority_indicator) { ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x20; } if (pTsAdaptationField->PCR_flag) { unsigned long long pcr_base; unsigned int pcr_ext; pcr_base = (pTsAdaptationField->pcr / 300); pcr_ext = (pTsAdaptationField->pcr % 300); ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x10; pucTs[0] = (pcr_base >> 25) & 0xff; pucTs[1] = (pcr_base >> 17) & 0xff; pucTs[2] = (pcr_base >> 9) & 0xff; pucTs[3] = (pcr_base >> 1) & 0xff; pucTs[4] = pcr_base << 7 | pcr_ext >> 8 | 0x7e; pucTs[5] = (pcr_ext) & 0xff; pucTs += 6; uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += 6; } if (pTsAdaptationField->OPCR_flag) { unsigned long long opcr_base; unsigned int opcr_ext; opcr_base = (pTsAdaptationField->opcr / 300); opcr_ext = (pTsAdaptationField->opcr % 300); ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x08; pucTs[0] = (opcr_base >> 25) & 0xff; pucTs[1] = (opcr_base >> 17) & 0xff; pucTs[2] = (opcr_base >> 9) & 0xff; pucTs[3] = (opcr_base >> 1) & 0xff; pucTs[4] = ((opcr_base << 7) & 0x80) | ((opcr_ext >> 8) & 0x01); pucTs[5] = (opcr_ext) & 0xff; pucTs += 6; uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += 6; } if (pTsAdaptationField->splicing_point_flag) { pucTs[0] = pTsAdaptationField->splice_countdown; ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x04; pucTs += 1; uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += 1; } if (pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len > 0) { ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x02; if (1 + pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len > static_cast<unsigned char>(uiAdaptiveLength - uiCurrentAdaptiveLength)) { WarnL << "private_data_len error !"; return; } else { pucTs[0] = pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len; pucTs += 1; memcpy(pucTs, pTsAdaptationField->private_data, pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len); pucTs += pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len; uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += (1 + pTsAdaptationField->private_data_len); } } if (pTsAdaptationField->adaptation_field_extension_flag) { ucAdaptiveflags |= 0x01; pucTs[1] = 1; pucTs[2] = 0; uiCurrentAdaptiveLength += 2; } *pucTmp = ucAdaptiveflags; //将标志放入内存 } return; } void TSMaker::PES2TS(TsPes * pTsPes, unsigned int uiPID, Ts_Adaptation_field * pTsAdaptationFieldHead, uint64_t ui64Dts) { TsPacketHeader ts_header; unsigned int uiAdaptiveLength = 0; //要填写0XFF的长度 unsigned int uiFirstPacketLoadLength = 188 - 4 - 1 - pTsAdaptationFieldHead->adaptation_field_length - 19; //分片包的第一个包的负载长度 const char * pcNeafBuf = pTsPes->ES; //分片包 总负载的指针 unsigned char aucTSbuf[TS_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char * pucTSBuf; bool bFirstPkt = true; while (true) { if ((m_uiWritePacketNum++ % 40) == 0) //每40个包打一个 pat,一个pmt { CreatePAT(); //创建PAT CreatePMT(); //创建PMT } if (bFirstPkt) { bFirstPkt = false; //memset(TSbuf,0,TS_PACKET_SIZE); pucTSBuf = aucTSbuf; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, uiPID, 0x01, 0x03); //PID = TS_H264_PID,有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x01, ada_field_C,0x03,含有调整字段和有效负载 ; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucTSbuf); pucTSBuf += 4; //写入TS 头 if (pTsPes->ESlen > uiFirstPacketLoadLength) { //计算分片包的第一个包的负载长度 uiAdaptiveLength = 188 - 4 - 1 - ((pTsPes->ESlen - uiFirstPacketLoadLength) % 184); //要填写0XFF的长度,最后一个包有自适应 pucTSBuf[0] = pTsAdaptationFieldHead->adaptation_field_length; //自适应字段的长度,自己填写的 pucTSBuf += 1; CreateAdaptive_Ts(pTsAdaptationFieldHead, pucTSBuf, (uiAdaptiveLength)); //填写自适应字段 pucTSBuf += pTsAdaptationFieldHead->adaptation_field_length; //填写自适应段所需要的长度 } else { uiAdaptiveLength = uiFirstPacketLoadLength - pTsPes->ESlen; pucTSBuf[0] = pTsAdaptationFieldHead->adaptation_field_length + uiAdaptiveLength; //自适应字段的长度,自己填写的 pucTSBuf += 1; CreateAdaptive_Ts(pTsAdaptationFieldHead, pucTSBuf, uiAdaptiveLength); //填写自适应字段 pucTSBuf += pTsAdaptationFieldHead->adaptation_field_length; memset(pucTSBuf, 0xFF, uiAdaptiveLength); pucTSBuf += uiAdaptiveLength; uiFirstPacketLoadLength = pTsPes->ESlen; } pTsPes->PES_packet_length = pTsPes->ESlen + pTsPes->PES_header_data_length + 3; if (TS_H264_PID==uiPID || pTsPes->PES_packet_length > 0xFFFF) { pTsPes->PES_packet_length = 0; } pucTSBuf[0] = (pTsPes->packet_start_code_prefix >> 16) & 0xFF; pucTSBuf[1] = (pTsPes->packet_start_code_prefix >> 8) & 0xFF; pucTSBuf[2] = pTsPes->packet_start_code_prefix & 0xFF; pucTSBuf[3] = pTsPes->stream_id; pucTSBuf[4] = (pTsPes->PES_packet_length >> 8) & 0xFF; pucTSBuf[5] = pTsPes->PES_packet_length & 0xFF; pucTSBuf[6] = pTsPes->marker_bit << 6 | pTsPes->PES_scrambling_control << 4 | pTsPes->PES_priority << 3 | pTsPes->data_alignment_indicator << 2 | pTsPes->copyright << 1 | pTsPes->original_or_copy; pucTSBuf[7] = pTsPes->PTS_DTS_flags << 6 | pTsPes->ESCR_flag << 5 | pTsPes->ES_rate_flag << 4 | pTsPes->DSM_trick_mode_flag << 3 | pTsPes->additional_copy_info_flag << 2 | pTsPes->PES_CRC_flag << 1 | pTsPes->PES_extension_flag; pucTSBuf += 8; switch (pTsPes->PTS_DTS_flags) { case 0x03: //both pts and ui64Dts pucTSBuf[6] = (((0x1 << 4) | ((ui64Dts >> 29) & 0x0E) | 0x01) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[7] = (((((ui64Dts >> 14) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) >> 8) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[8] = ((((ui64Dts >> 14) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[9] = ((((ui64Dts << 1) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) >> 8) & 0xff; pucTSBuf[10] = (((ui64Dts << 1) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) & 0xff; case 0x02: //pts only pucTSBuf[1] = (((0x3 << 4) | ((ui64Dts >> 29) & 0x0E) | 0x01) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[2] = (((((ui64Dts >> 14) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) >> 8) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[3] = ((((ui64Dts >> 14) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[4] = (((((ui64Dts << 1) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) >> 8) & 0xff); pucTSBuf[5] = ((((ui64Dts << 1) & 0xfffe) | 0x01) & 0xff); break; default: break; } pucTSBuf[0] = pTsPes->PES_header_data_length; pucTSBuf += (1 + pucTSBuf[0]); memcpy(pucTSBuf, pcNeafBuf, uiFirstPacketLoadLength); pcNeafBuf += uiFirstPacketLoadLength; pTsPes->ESlen -= uiFirstPacketLoadLength; //将包写入文件 fwrite(aucTSbuf, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将一包数据写入文件 continue; } if (pTsPes->ESlen >= 184) { //处理中间包 //memset(TSbuf,0,TS_PACKET_SIZE); pucTSBuf = aucTSbuf; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, uiPID, 0x00, 0x01); //PID = TS_H264_PID,不是有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x00, ada_field_C,0x01,仅有有效负载; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucTSbuf); pucTSBuf += 4; memcpy(pucTSBuf, pcNeafBuf, 184); pcNeafBuf += 184; pTsPes->ESlen -= 184; fwrite(aucTSbuf, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); continue; } if (pTsPes->ESlen == 183) { //memset(TSbuf,0,TS_PACKET_SIZE); pucTSBuf = aucTSbuf; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, uiPID, 0x00, 0x03); //PID = TS_H264_PID,不是有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x00, ada_field_C,0x03,含有调整字段和有效负载; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucTSbuf); pucTSBuf += 4; pucTSBuf[0] = 1; pucTSBuf[1] = 0x00; pucTSBuf += 2; memcpy(pucTSBuf, pcNeafBuf, 182); pTsPes->ESlen = 1; fwrite(aucTSbuf, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将一包数据写入文件 } //memset(TSbuf,0,TS_PACKET_SIZE); pucTSBuf = aucTSbuf; CreateTsHeader(&ts_header, uiPID, 0x00, 0x03); //PID = TS_H264_PID,不是有效荷载单元起始指示符_play_init = 0x00, ada_field_C,0x03,含有调整字段和有效负载; TsHeader2buffer(&ts_header, aucTSbuf); pucTSBuf += 4; pucTSBuf[0] = 184 - pTsPes->ESlen - 1; pucTSBuf[1] = 0x00; pucTSBuf += 2; memset(pucTSBuf, 0xFF, (184 - pTsPes->ESlen - 2)); pucTSBuf += (184 - pTsPes->ESlen - 2); memcpy(pucTSBuf, pcNeafBuf, pTsPes->ESlen); //183就丢弃一字节 pTsPes->ESlen = 0; fwrite(aucTSbuf, 188, 1, m_pOutVideoTs); //将一包数据写入文件 break; } }