/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "MP4Reader.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Util/mini.h" #include "Util/File.h" #include "Http/HttpSession.h" #include "Extension/AAC.h" #include "Extension/H264.h" #include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h" using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { #ifdef ENABLE_MP4V2 MP4Reader::MP4Reader(const string &strVhost,const string &strApp, const string &strId,const string &filePath ) { _poller = WorkThreadPool::Instance().getPoller(); auto strFileName = filePath; if(strFileName.empty()){ GET_CONFIG(string,recordPath,Record::kFilePath); GET_CONFIG(bool,enableVhost,General::kEnableVhost); if(enableVhost){ strFileName = strVhost + "/" + strApp + "/" + strId; }else{ strFileName = strApp + "/" + strId; } strFileName = File::absolutePath(strFileName,recordPath); } _hMP4File = MP4Read(strFileName.data()); if(_hMP4File == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE){ throw runtime_error(StrPrinter << "打开MP4文件失败:" << strFileName << endl); } _video_trId = MP4FindTrackId(_hMP4File, 0, MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE, 0); if(_video_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID){ if(strcmp(MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(_hMP4File, _video_trId),"avc1") ==0){ auto _video_timescale = MP4GetTrackTimeScale(_hMP4File, _video_trId); auto _video_duration = MP4GetTrackDuration(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _video_num_samples = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _video_sample_max_size = MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _video_width = MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _video_height = MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _video_framerate = MP4GetTrackVideoFrameRate(_hMP4File, _video_trId); _pcVideoSample = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t> (new uint8_t[_video_sample_max_size],[](uint8_t *ptr){ delete [] ptr; }); uint8_t **seqheader; uint8_t **pictheader; uint32_t *pictheadersize; uint32_t *seqheadersize; uint32_t ix; if(MP4GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders(_hMP4File, _video_trId, &seqheader, &seqheadersize, &pictheader, &pictheadersize)){ for (ix = 0; seqheadersize[ix] != 0; ix++) { _strSps.assign((char *)(seqheader[ix]), seqheadersize[ix]); float framerate; getAVCInfo(_strSps, (int &)_video_width, (int &)_video_height, framerate); _video_framerate = framerate; _strSps = string("\x0\x0\x0\x1",4) + _strSps; MP4Free(seqheader[ix]); } MP4Free(seqheader); MP4Free(seqheadersize); for (ix = 0; pictheadersize[ix] != 0; ix++) { _strPps.assign("\x0\x0\x0\x1",4); _strPps.append((char *)(pictheader[ix]), pictheadersize[ix]); MP4Free(pictheader[ix]); } MP4Free(pictheader); MP4Free(pictheadersize); } _video_ms = 1000.0 * _video_duration / _video_timescale; /*InfoL << "\r\n" << _video_ms << "\r\n" << _video_num_samples << "\r\n" << _video_framerate << "\r\n" << _video_width << "\r\n" << _video_height << "\r\n";*/ } else { //如果不是h264,则忽略 _video_trId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID; } } _audio_trId = MP4FindTrackId(_hMP4File, 0, MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, 0); if (_audio_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { if (strcmp(MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(_hMP4File, _audio_trId), "mp4a") == 0) { _audio_sample_rate = MP4GetTrackTimeScale(_hMP4File, _audio_trId); auto _audio_duration = MP4GetTrackDuration(_hMP4File, _audio_trId); _audio_num_samples = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(_hMP4File,_audio_trId); _audio_num_channels = MP4GetTrackAudioChannels(_hMP4File, _audio_trId); _audio_sample_max_size = MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(_hMP4File,_audio_trId); uint8_t *ppConfig; uint32_t pConfigSize; if(MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(_hMP4File,_audio_trId,&ppConfig,&pConfigSize)){ _strAacCfg.assign((char *)ppConfig, pConfigSize); makeAdtsHeader(_strAacCfg, _adts); writeAdtsHeader(_adts,_adts.buffer); getAACInfo(_adts, (int &)_audio_sample_rate, (int &)_audio_num_channels); MP4Free(ppConfig); } _audio_ms = 1000.0 * _audio_duration / _audio_sample_rate; /*InfoL << "\r\n" << _audio_ms << "\r\n" << _audio_num_samples << "\r\n" << _audio_num_channels << "\r\n" << _audio_sample_rate << "\r\n";*/ }else{ _audio_trId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID; } } if(_audio_trId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID && _video_trId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID){ MP4Close(_hMP4File); _hMP4File = MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE; throw runtime_error(StrPrinter << "该MP4文件音视频格式不支持:" << strFileName << endl); } _iDuration = MAX(_video_ms,_audio_ms); _mediaMuxer.reset(new MultiMediaSourceMuxer(strVhost, strApp, strId, _iDuration / 1000.0, true, true, false, false)); if (_audio_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { AACTrack::Ptr track = std::make_shared<AACTrack>(_strAacCfg); _mediaMuxer->addTrack(track); } if (_video_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { H264Track::Ptr track = std::make_shared<H264Track>(_strSps,_strPps); _mediaMuxer->addTrack(track); } } MP4Reader::~MP4Reader() { if (_hMP4File != MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) { MP4Close(_hMP4File); _hMP4File = MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE; } } void MP4Reader::startReadMP4() { auto strongSelf = shared_from_this(); GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,sampleMS,Record::kSampleMS); _timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(sampleMS / 1000.0f,[strongSelf](){ return strongSelf->readSample(0,false); }, _poller); //先读sampleMS毫秒的数据用于产生MediaSouce readSample(sampleMS, false); _mediaMuxer->setListener(strongSelf); } bool MP4Reader::seekTo(MediaSource &sender,uint32_t ui32Stamp){ seek(ui32Stamp); return true; } bool MP4Reader::close(MediaSource &sender,bool force){ if(!_mediaMuxer || (!force && _mediaMuxer->readerCount() != 0)){ return false; } _timer.reset(); WarnL << sender.getSchema() << "/" << sender.getVhost() << "/" << sender.getApp() << "/" << sender.getId() << " " << force; return true; } void MP4Reader::onNoneReader(MediaSource &sender) { if(!_mediaMuxer || _mediaMuxer->readerCount() != 0){ return; } MediaSourceEvent::onNoneReader(sender); } bool MP4Reader::readSample(int iTimeInc,bool justSeekSyncFrame) { TimeTicker(); lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_mtx); auto bFlag0 = readVideoSample(iTimeInc,justSeekSyncFrame);//数据没读完 auto bFlag1 = readAudioSample(iTimeInc,justSeekSyncFrame);//数据没读完 auto bFlag2 = _mediaMuxer->readerCount() > 0;//读取者大于0 if((bFlag0 || bFlag1) && bFlag2){ _alive.resetTime(); } //重头开始循环读取 GET_CONFIG(bool,fileRepeat,Record::kFileRepeat); if (fileRepeat && !bFlag0 && !bFlag1) { seek(0); } //DebugL << "alive ..."; //3秒延时关闭 return _alive.elapsedTime() < 3 * 1000; } inline bool MP4Reader::readVideoSample(int iTimeInc,bool justSeekSyncFrame) { if (_video_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { auto iNextSample = getVideoSampleId(iTimeInc); MP4SampleId iIdx = _video_current; for (; iIdx < iNextSample; iIdx++) { uint8_t *pBytes = _pcVideoSample.get(); uint32_t numBytes = _video_sample_max_size; MP4Duration pRenderingOffset; if(MP4ReadSample(_hMP4File, _video_trId, iIdx + 1, &pBytes, &numBytes,NULL,NULL,&pRenderingOffset,&_bSyncSample)){ if (!justSeekSyncFrame) { uint32_t iOffset = 0; while (iOffset < numBytes) { uint32_t iFrameLen; memcpy(&iFrameLen,pBytes + iOffset,4); iFrameLen = ntohl(iFrameLen); if(iFrameLen + iOffset + 4> numBytes){ break; } memcpy(pBytes + iOffset, "\x0\x0\x0\x1", 4); uint32_t dts = (double) _video_ms * iIdx / _video_num_samples; writeH264(pBytes + iOffset, iFrameLen + 4, dts, dts + pRenderingOffset / 90); iOffset += (iFrameLen + 4); } }else if(_bSyncSample){ break; } }else{ ErrorL << "读取视频失败:" << iIdx + 1; } } _video_current = iIdx; return _video_current < _video_num_samples; } return false; } inline bool MP4Reader::readAudioSample(int iTimeInc,bool justSeekSyncFrame) { if (_audio_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { auto iNextSample = getAudioSampleId(iTimeInc); for (auto i = _audio_current; i < iNextSample; i++) { uint32_t numBytes = _audio_sample_max_size; uint8_t *pBytes = _adts.buffer + 7; if(MP4ReadSample(_hMP4File, _audio_trId, i + 1, &pBytes, &numBytes)){ if (!justSeekSyncFrame) { _adts.aac_frame_length = 7 + numBytes; writeAdtsHeader(_adts, _adts.buffer); writeAAC(_adts.buffer, _adts.aac_frame_length, (double) _audio_ms * i / _audio_num_samples); } }else{ ErrorL << "读取音频失败:" << i+ 1; } } _audio_current = iNextSample; return _audio_current < _audio_num_samples; } return false; } inline void MP4Reader::writeH264(uint8_t *pucData,int iLen,uint32_t dts,uint32_t pts) { _mediaMuxer->inputFrame(std::make_shared<H264FrameNoCacheAble>((char*)pucData,iLen,dts,pts)); } inline void MP4Reader::writeAAC(uint8_t *pucData,int iLen,uint32_t uiStamp) { _mediaMuxer->inputFrame(std::make_shared<AACFrameNoCacheAble>((char*)pucData,iLen,uiStamp)); } inline MP4SampleId MP4Reader::getVideoSampleId(int iTimeInc ) { MP4SampleId video_current = (double)_video_num_samples * (_iSeekTime + _ticker.elapsedTime() + iTimeInc) / _video_ms; video_current = MAX(0,MIN(_video_num_samples, video_current)); return video_current; } inline MP4SampleId MP4Reader::getAudioSampleId(int iTimeInc) { MP4SampleId audio_current = (double)_audio_num_samples * (_iSeekTime + _ticker.elapsedTime() + iTimeInc) / _audio_ms ; audio_current = MAX(0,MIN(_audio_num_samples,audio_current)); return audio_current; } inline void MP4Reader::setSeekTime(uint32_t iSeekTime){ _iSeekTime = MAX(0, MIN(iSeekTime,_iDuration)); _ticker.resetTime(); if (_audio_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { _audio_current = getAudioSampleId(); } if (_video_trId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) { _video_current = getVideoSampleId(); } } inline uint32_t MP4Reader::getVideoCurrentTime(){ return (double)_video_current * _video_ms /_video_num_samples; } void MP4Reader::seek(uint32_t iSeekTime,bool bReStart){ lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_mtx); if(iSeekTime == 0 || _video_trId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID){ setSeekTime(iSeekTime); }else{ setSeekTime(iSeekTime - 5000); //在之后的10秒查找关键帧 readVideoSample(10000, true); if (_bSyncSample) { //找到关键帧 auto iIdr = _video_current; setSeekTime(getVideoCurrentTime()); _video_current = iIdr; }else{ //未找到关键帧 setSeekTime(iSeekTime); } } _mediaMuxer->setTimeStamp(_iSeekTime); if(bReStart){ _timer.reset(); startReadMP4(); } } #endif //ENABLE_MP4V2 MediaSource::Ptr MP4Reader::onMakeMediaSource(const string &strSchema, const string &strVhost, const string &strApp, const string &strId, const string &filePath, bool checkApp ){ #ifdef ENABLE_MP4V2 GET_CONFIG(string,appName,Record::kAppName); if (checkApp && strApp != appName) { return nullptr; } try { MP4Reader::Ptr pReader(new MP4Reader(strVhost,strApp, strId,filePath)); pReader->startReadMP4(); return MediaSource::find(strSchema,strVhost,strApp, strId, false); } catch (std::exception &ex) { WarnL << ex.what(); return nullptr; } #else return nullptr; #endif //ENABLE_MP4V2 } } /* namespace mediakit */