#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> /* for uint32_t, etc */ #include "SPSParser.h" /******************************************** *define here ********************************************/ #define SPS_PPS_DEBUG //#undef SPS_PPS_DEBUG #define MAX_LEN 32 #define EXTENDED_SAR 255 #define FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define MAX_SPS_COUNT 32 #define MAX_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM (12 + 4) #define MIN_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM 4 #define H264_MAX_PICTURE_COUNT 36 #define CODEC_FLAG2_IGNORE_CROP 0x00010000 ///< Discard cropping information from SPS. #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX 65535 #endif //INT_MAX /* report level */ #define RPT_ERR (1) // error, system error #define RPT_WRN (2) // warning, maybe wrong, maybe OK #define RPT_INF (3) // important information #define RPT_DBG (4) // debug information static int rpt_lvl = RPT_WRN; /* report level: ERR, WRN, INF, DBG */ /* report micro */ #define RPT(lvl, ...) \ do { \ if(lvl <= rpt_lvl) { \ switch(lvl) { \ case RPT_ERR: \ fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" line %d [err]: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ break; \ case RPT_WRN: \ fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" line %d [wrn]: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ break; \ case RPT_INF: \ fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" line %d [inf]: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ break; \ case RPT_DBG: \ fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" line %d [dbg]: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ break; \ default: \ fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" line %d [???]: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ break; \ } \ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ } \ } while(0) static const uint8_t sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[2][16] = { { 6, 13, 20, 28, 13, 20, 28, 32, 20, 28, 32, 37, 28, 32, 37, 42 }, { 10, 14, 20, 24, 14, 20, 24, 27, 20, 24, 27, 30, 24, 27, 30, 34 } }; static const uint8_t sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[2][64] = { { 6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 23, 25, 27, 10, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 13, 16, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 16, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 40, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 40, 42 }, { 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 13, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35 } }; static const T_AVRational sg_atFfH264PixelSspect[17] = { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 12, 11 }, { 10, 11 }, { 16, 11 }, { 40, 33 }, { 24, 11 }, { 20, 11 }, { 32, 11 }, { 80, 33 }, { 18, 11 }, { 15, 11 }, { 64, 33 }, { 160, 99 }, { 4, 3 }, { 3, 2 }, { 2, 1 }, }; static const uint8_t sg_au8ZigzagScan[16+1] = { 0 + 0 * 4, 1 + 0 * 4, 0 + 1 * 4, 0 + 2 * 4, 1 + 1 * 4, 2 + 0 * 4, 3 + 0 * 4, 2 + 1 * 4, 1 + 2 * 4, 0 + 3 * 4, 1 + 3 * 4, 2 + 2 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 2 + 3 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, }; const uint8_t g_au8FfZigzagDirect[64] = { 0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63 }; static inline int getBitsLeft(void *pvHandle) { int iResLen = 0; T_GetBitContext *ptPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)pvHandle; if(ptPtr->iBufSize <= 0 || ptPtr->iTotalBit <= 0) { RPT(RPT_WRN, "buffer size is zero"); return 0; } iResLen = ptPtr->iTotalBit - ptPtr->iBitPos; return iResLen; } /******************************************** *functions ********************************************/ /** * @brief Function getOneBit() ¶Á1¸öbit * @param[in] h T_GetBitContext structrue * @retval 0: success, -1 : failure * @pre * @post */ static int getOneBit(void *pvHandle) { T_GetBitContext *ptPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)pvHandle; int iRet = 0; uint8_t *pu8CurChar = NULL; uint8_t u8Shift; int iResoLen = 0; if(NULL == ptPtr) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "NULL pointer"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } iResoLen = getBitsLeft(ptPtr); if(iResoLen < 1) { iRet = -1; goto exit; } pu8CurChar = ptPtr->pu8Buf + (ptPtr->iBitPos >> 3); u8Shift = 7 - (ptPtr->iCurBitPos); ptPtr->iBitPos++; ptPtr->iCurBitPos = ptPtr->iBitPos & 0x7; iRet = ((*pu8CurChar) >> u8Shift) & 0x01; exit: return iRet; } /** * @brief Function getBits() ¶Án¸öbits£¬n²»Äܳ¬¹ý32 * @param[in] h T_GetBitContext structrue * @param[in] n how many bits you want? * @retval 0: success, -1 : failure * @pre * @post */ static int getBits(void *pvHandle, int iN) { T_GetBitContext *ptPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)pvHandle; uint8_t au8Temp[5] = {0}; uint8_t *pu8CurChar = NULL; uint8_t u8Nbyte; uint8_t u8Shift; uint32_t u32Result = 0; int iRet = 0; int iResoLen = 0; if(NULL == ptPtr) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "NULL pointer"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } if(iN > MAX_LEN) { iN = MAX_LEN; } iResoLen = getBitsLeft(ptPtr); if(iResoLen < iN) { iRet = -1; goto exit; } if((ptPtr->iBitPos + iN) > ptPtr->iTotalBit) { iN = ptPtr->iTotalBit- ptPtr->iBitPos; } pu8CurChar = ptPtr->pu8Buf+ (ptPtr->iBitPos>>3); u8Nbyte = (ptPtr->iCurBitPos + iN + 7) >> 3; u8Shift = (8 - (ptPtr->iCurBitPos + iN))& 0x07; if(iN == MAX_LEN) { RPT(RPT_DBG, "12(ptPtr->iBitPos(:%d) + iN(:%d)) > ptPtr->iTotalBit(:%d)!!! ",\ ptPtr->iBitPos, iN, ptPtr->iTotalBit); RPT(RPT_DBG, "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x", (*pu8CurChar), *(pu8CurChar+1),*(pu8CurChar+2),*(pu8CurChar+3)); } memcpy(&au8Temp[5-u8Nbyte], pu8CurChar, u8Nbyte); iRet = (uint32_t)au8Temp[0] << 24; iRet = iRet << 8; iRet = ((uint32_t)au8Temp[1]<<24)|((uint32_t)au8Temp[2] << 16)\ |((uint32_t)au8Temp[3] << 8)|au8Temp[4]; iRet = (iRet >> u8Shift) & (((uint64_t)1<<iN) - 1); u32Result = iRet; ptPtr->iBitPos += iN; ptPtr->iCurBitPos = ptPtr->iBitPos & 0x7; exit: return u32Result; } /** * @brief Function parseCodenum() Ö¸Êý¸çÂײ¼±àÂë½âÎö£¬²Î¿¼h264±ê×¼µÚ9½Ú * @param[in] buf * @retval u32CodeNum * @pre * @post */ static int parseCodenum(void *pvBuf) { uint8_t u8LeadingZeroBits = -1; uint8_t u8B; uint32_t u32CodeNum = 0; for(u8B=0; !u8B; u8LeadingZeroBits++) { u8B = getOneBit(pvBuf); } u32CodeNum = ((uint32_t)1 << u8LeadingZeroBits) - 1 + getBits(pvBuf, u8LeadingZeroBits); return u32CodeNum; } /** * @brief Function parseUe() Ö¸Êý¸çÂײ¼±àÂë½âÎö ue(),²Î¿¼h264±ê×¼µÚ9½Ú * @param[in] buf sps_pps parse buf * @retval u32CodeNum * @pre * @post */ static int parseUe(void *pvBuf) { return parseCodenum(pvBuf); } /** * @brief Function parseSe() Ö¸Êý¸çÂײ¼±àÂë½âÎö se(), ²Î¿¼h264±ê×¼µÚ9½Ú * @param[in] buf sps_pps parse buf * @retval u32CodeNum * @pre * @post */ static int parseSe(void *pvBuf) { int iRet = 0; int u32CodeNum; u32CodeNum = parseCodenum(pvBuf); iRet = (u32CodeNum + 1) >> 1; iRet = (u32CodeNum & 0x01)? iRet : -iRet; return iRet; } /** * @brief Function getBitContextFree() ÉêÇëµÄget_bit_context½á¹¹ÄÚ´æÊÍ·Å * @param[in] buf T_GetBitContext buf * @retval none * @pre * @post */ static void getBitContextFree(void *pvBuf) { T_GetBitContext *ptPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)pvBuf; if(ptPtr) { if(ptPtr->pu8Buf) { free(ptPtr->pu8Buf); } free(ptPtr); } } /** * @brief Function deEmulationPrevention() ½â¾ºÕù´úÂë * @param[in] buf T_GetBitContext buf * @retval none * @pre * @post * @note: * µ÷ÊÔʱ×ÜÊÇ·¢ÏÖvui.time_scaleÖµÌرðÆæ¹Ö£¬×ÜÊÇ16777216£¬ºóÀ´²éѯÔÒòÈçÏÂ: * http://www.cnblogs.com/eustoma/archive/2012/02/13/2415764.html * H.264±àÂëʱ£¬ÔÚÿ¸öNALÇ°Ìí¼ÓÆðʼÂë 0x000001£¬½âÂëÆ÷ÔÚÂëÁ÷Öмì²âµ½ÆðʼÂ룬µ±Ç°NAL½áÊø¡£ * ΪÁË·ÀÖ¹NALÄÚ²¿³öÏÖ0x000001µÄÊý¾Ý£¬h.264ÓÖÌá³ö'·ÀÖ¹¾ºÕù emulation prevention"»úÖÆ£¬ * ÔÚ±àÂëÍêÒ»¸öNALʱ£¬Èç¹û¼ì²â³öÓÐÁ¬ÐøÁ½¸ö0x00×Ö½Ú£¬¾ÍÔÚºóÃæ²åÈëÒ»¸ö0x03¡£ * µ±½âÂëÆ÷ÔÚNALÄÚ²¿¼ì²âµ½0x000003µÄÊý¾Ý£¬¾Í°Ñ0x03Å×Æú£¬»Ö¸´ÔʼÊý¾Ý¡£ * 0x000000 >>>>>> 0x00000300 * 0x000001 >>>>>> 0x00000301 * 0x000002 >>>>>> 0x00000302 * 0x000003 >>>>>> 0x00000303 */ static void *deEmulationPrevention(void *pvBuf) { T_GetBitContext *ptPtr = NULL; T_GetBitContext *ptBufPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)pvBuf; int i = 0, j = 0; uint8_t *pu8TmpPtr = NULL; int tmp_buf_size = 0; int iVal = 0; if(NULL == ptBufPtr) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "NULL ptPtr"); goto exit; } ptPtr = (T_GetBitContext *)malloc(sizeof(T_GetBitContext)); if(NULL == ptPtr) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "NULL ptPtr"); goto exit; } memcpy(ptPtr, ptBufPtr, sizeof(T_GetBitContext)); ptPtr->pu8Buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(ptPtr->iBufSize); if(NULL == ptPtr->pu8Buf) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "NULL ptPtr"); goto exit; } memcpy(ptPtr->pu8Buf, ptBufPtr->pu8Buf, ptBufPtr->iBufSize); pu8TmpPtr = ptPtr->pu8Buf; tmp_buf_size = ptPtr->iBufSize; for(i=0; i<(tmp_buf_size-2); i++) { /*¼ì²â0x000003*/ iVal = (pu8TmpPtr[i]^0x00) + (pu8TmpPtr[i+1]^0x00) + (pu8TmpPtr[i+2]^0x03); if(iVal == 0) { /*ÌÞ³ý0x03*/ for(j=i+2; j<tmp_buf_size-1; j++) { pu8TmpPtr[j] = pu8TmpPtr[j+1]; } /*ÏàÓ¦µÄbufsizeÒª¼õС*/ ptPtr->iBufSize--; } } /*ÖØмÆËãtotal_bit*/ ptPtr->iTotalBit = ptPtr->iBufSize << 3; return (void *)ptPtr; exit: getBitContextFree(ptPtr); return NULL; } static void decodeScalingList(void *pvBuf, uint8_t *pu8Factors, int iSize, const uint8_t *pu8JvtList, const uint8_t *pu8FallbackList) { int i; int iLast = 8; int iNext = 8; const uint8_t *pu8Scan = iSize == 16 ? sg_au8ZigzagScan : g_au8FfZigzagDirect; if (!getOneBit(pvBuf)) /* matrix not written, we use the predicted one */ memcpy(pu8Factors, pu8FallbackList, iSize * sizeof(uint8_t)); else for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { if (iNext) { iNext = (iLast + parseSe(pvBuf)) & 0xff; } if (!i && !iNext) { /* matrix not written, we use the preset one */ memcpy(pu8Factors, pu8JvtList, iSize * sizeof(uint8_t)); break; } iLast = pu8Factors[pu8Scan[i]] = iNext ? iNext : iLast; } } int decodeScalingMatrices(void *pvBuf, T_SPS *ptSps, T_PPS *ptPps, int iIsSps, uint8_t(*pau8ScalingMatrix4)[16], uint8_t(*pau8ScalingMatrix8)[64]) { int iFallbackSps = !iIsSps && ptSps->iScalingMatrixPresent; const uint8_t *pau8Fallback[4] = { iFallbackSps ? ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix4[0] : sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[0], iFallbackSps ? ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix4[3] : sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[1], iFallbackSps ? ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix8[0] : sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[0], iFallbackSps ? ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix8[3] : sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[1] }; if (getOneBit(pvBuf)) { ptSps->iScalingMatrixPresent |= iIsSps; decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[0], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[0], pau8Fallback[0]); // Intra, Y decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[1], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[0], pau8ScalingMatrix4[0]); // Intra, Cr decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[2], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[0], pau8ScalingMatrix4[1]); // Intra, Cb decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[3], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[1], pau8Fallback[1]); // Inter, Y decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[4], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[1], pau8ScalingMatrix4[3]); // Inter, Cr decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix4[5], 16, sg_aau8DefaultScaling4[1], pau8ScalingMatrix4[4]); // Inter, Cb if (iIsSps || ptPps->iTransform8x8Mode) { decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[0], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[0], pau8Fallback[2]); // Intra, Y decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[3], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[1], pau8Fallback[3]); // Inter, Y if (ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc == 3) { decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[1], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[0], pau8ScalingMatrix8[0]); // Intra, Cr decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[4], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[1], pau8ScalingMatrix8[3]); // Inter, Cr decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[2], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[0], pau8ScalingMatrix8[1]); // Intra, Cb decodeScalingList(pvBuf, pau8ScalingMatrix8[5], 64, sg_aau8DefaultScaling8[1], pau8ScalingMatrix8[4]); // Inter, Cb } } } return 0; } static int decodeHrdPAarameters(void *pvBuf, T_SPS *ptSps) { int iCpbCount = 0; int i; iCpbCount = parseUe(pvBuf); if (iCpbCount > 32U) { RPT(RPT_ERR,"iCpbCount %d invalid\n", iCpbCount); return -1; } getBits(pvBuf, 4); /* bit_rate_scale */ getBits(pvBuf, 4); /* cpb_size_scale */ for (i = 0; i < iCpbCount; i++) { parseUe(pvBuf); parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb_long(&h->gb); /* bit_rate_value_minus1 */ //get_ue_golomb_long(&h->gb); /* cpb_size_value_minus1 */ getOneBit(pvBuf); /* cbr_flag */ } ptSps->iInitialCpbRemovalDelayLength = getBits(pvBuf, 5) + 1; ptSps->iCpbRemovalDelayLength = getBits(pvBuf, 5) + 1; ptSps->iDpbOutputDelayLength = getBits(pvBuf, 5) + 1; ptSps->iTimeOffsetLength = getBits(pvBuf, 5); ptSps->iCpbCnt = iCpbCount; return 0; } static inline int decodeVuiParameters(void *pvBuf, T_SPS *ptSps) { int iAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag; unsigned int uiAspectRatioIdc; int iChromaSampleLocation; iAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (iAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag) { uiAspectRatioIdc = getBits(pvBuf, 8); if (uiAspectRatioIdc == EXTENDED_SAR) { ptSps->tSar.num = getBits(pvBuf, 16); ptSps->tSar.den = getBits(pvBuf, 16); } else if (uiAspectRatioIdc < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(sg_atFfH264PixelSspect)) { ptSps->tSar = sg_atFfH264PixelSspect[uiAspectRatioIdc]; } else { RPT(RPT_ERR,"illegal aspect ratio\n"); return -1; } } else { ptSps->tSar.num = ptSps->tSar.den = 0; } if (getOneBit(pvBuf)) /* overscan_info_present_flag */ getOneBit(pvBuf); /* overscan_appropriate_flag */ ptSps->iVideoSignalTypePresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iVideoSignalTypePresentFlag) { getBits(pvBuf, 3); /* video_format */ ptSps->iFullRange = getOneBit(pvBuf); /* video_full_range_flag */ ptSps->iColourDescriptionPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iColourDescriptionPresentFlag) { ptSps->tColorPrimaries = getBits(pvBuf, 8); /* colour_primaries */ ptSps->tColorTrc = getBits(pvBuf, 8); /* transfer_characteristics */ ptSps->tColorspace = getBits(pvBuf, 8); /* matrix_coefficients */ if (ptSps->tColorPrimaries >= AVCOL_PRI_NB) ptSps->tColorPrimaries = AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED; if (ptSps->tColorTrc >= AVCOL_TRC_NB) ptSps->tColorTrc = AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED; if (ptSps->tColorspace >= AVCOL_SPC_NB) ptSps->tColorspace = AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED; } } /* chroma_location_info_present_flag */ if (getOneBit(pvBuf)) { /* chroma_sample_location_type_top_field */ iChromaSampleLocation = parseUe(pvBuf); parseUe(pvBuf); /* chroma_sample_location_type_bottom_field */ } if(getBitsLeft(pvBuf) < 10) { return 0; } ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag) { unsigned u32NumUnitsInTick = getBits(pvBuf, 32); unsigned u32TimeScale = getBits(pvBuf, 32); if (!u32NumUnitsInTick || !u32TimeScale) { RPT(RPT_ERR,"u32TimeScale/u32NumUnitsInTick invalid or unsupported (%u/%u)\n",u32TimeScale, u32NumUnitsInTick); ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag = 0; } else { ptSps->u32NumUnitsInTick = u32NumUnitsInTick; ptSps->u32TimeScale = u32TimeScale; } ptSps->iFixedFrameRateFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); } ptSps->iNalHrdParametersPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iNalHrdParametersPresentFlag) if (decodeHrdPAarameters(pvBuf, ptSps) < 0) return -1; ptSps->iVclHrdParametersPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iVclHrdParametersPresentFlag) if (decodeHrdPAarameters(pvBuf, ptSps) < 0) return -1; if (ptSps->iNalHrdParametersPresentFlag || ptSps->iVclHrdParametersPresentFlag) getOneBit(pvBuf); /* low_delay_hrd_flag */ ptSps->iPicStructPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if(getBitsLeft(pvBuf) == 0) return 0; ptSps->iBitstreamRestrictionFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iBitstreamRestrictionFlag) { getOneBit(pvBuf); /* motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag */ parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb(&h->gb); /* max_bytes_per_pic_denom */ parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb(&h->gb); /* max_bits_per_mb_denom */ parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb(&h->gb); /* log2_max_mv_length_horizontal */ parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb(&h->gb); /* log2_max_mv_length_vertical */ ptSps->iNumReorderFrames = parseUe(pvBuf); parseUe(pvBuf); //get_ue_golomb(&h->gb); /*max_dec_frame_buffering*/ if (getBitsLeft(pvBuf) < 0) { ptSps->iNumReorderFrames = 0; ptSps->iBitstreamRestrictionFlag = 0; } if (ptSps->iNumReorderFrames > 16U /* max_dec_frame_buffering || max_dec_frame_buffering > 16 */) { RPT(RPT_DBG, "Clipping illegal iNumReorderFrames %d\n", ptSps->iNumReorderFrames); ptSps->iNumReorderFrames = 16; return -1; } } return 0; } int h264DecSeqParameterSet(void *pvBufSrc, T_SPS *ptSps) { int iLevelIdc; int iConstraintSetFlags = 0; unsigned int uiSpsId; int i; int iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4; int iRet = 0; int iProfileIdc = 0; void *pvBuf = NULL; if(NULL == pvBufSrc || NULL == ptSps) { RPT(RPT_ERR,"ERR null pointer\n"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } memset((void *)ptSps, 0, sizeof(T_SPS)); pvBuf = deEmulationPrevention(pvBufSrc); if(NULL == pvBuf) { RPT(RPT_ERR,"ERR null pointer\n"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } iProfileIdc = getBits(pvBuf, 8); iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 0; // constraint_set0_flag iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 1; // constraint_set1_flag iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 2; // constraint_set2_flag iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 3; // constraint_set3_flag iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 4; // constraint_set4_flag iConstraintSetFlags |= getOneBit(pvBuf) << 5; // constraint_set5_flag getBits(pvBuf, 2); // reserved_zero_2bits iLevelIdc = getBits(pvBuf, 8); uiSpsId = parseUe(pvBuf); if (uiSpsId >= MAX_SPS_COUNT) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "uiSpsId %u out of range\n", uiSpsId); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->uiSpsId = uiSpsId; ptSps->iTimeOffsetLength = 24; ptSps->iProfileIdc = iProfileIdc; ptSps->iConstraintSetFlags = iConstraintSetFlags; ptSps->iLevelIdc = iLevelIdc; ptSps->iFullRange = -1; memset(ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix4, 16, sizeof(ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix4)); memset(ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix8, 16, sizeof(ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix8)); ptSps->iScalingMatrixPresent = 0; ptSps->tColorspace = 2; //AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED if (ptSps->iProfileIdc == 100 || // High profile ptSps->iProfileIdc == 110 || // High10 profile ptSps->iProfileIdc == 122 || // High422 profile ptSps->iProfileIdc == 244 || // High444 Predictive profile ptSps->iProfileIdc == 44 || // Cavlc444 profile ptSps->iProfileIdc == 83 || // Scalable Constrained High profile (SVC) ptSps->iProfileIdc == 86 || // Scalable High Intra profile (SVC) ptSps->iProfileIdc == 118 || // Stereo High profile (MVC) ptSps->iProfileIdc == 128 || // Multiview High profile (MVC) ptSps->iProfileIdc == 138 || // Multiview Depth High profile (MVCD) ptSps->iProfileIdc == 144) { // old High444 profile ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc = parseUe(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc > 3U) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "iChromaFormatIdc %u",ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc); iRet = -1; goto exit; } else if (ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc == 3) { ptSps->iResidualColorTransformFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iResidualColorTransformFlag) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "separate color planes are not supported\n"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } } ptSps->iBitDepthLuma = parseUe(pvBuf) + 8; ptSps->iBitDepthChroma = parseUe(pvBuf) + 8; if (ptSps->iBitDepthChroma != ptSps->iBitDepthLuma) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "Different chroma and luma bit depth"); iRet = -1; goto exit; } if (ptSps->iBitDepthLuma < 8 || ptSps->iBitDepthLuma > 14 || ptSps->iBitDepthChroma < 8 || ptSps->iBitDepthChroma > 14) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "illegal bit depth value (%d, %d)\n",ptSps->iBitDepthLuma, ptSps->iBitDepthChroma); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->iTransformBypass = getOneBit(pvBuf); decodeScalingMatrices(pvBuf, ptSps, NULL, 1, ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix4, ptSps->aau8ScalingMatrix8); } else { ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc = 1; ptSps->iBitDepthLuma = 8; ptSps->iBitDepthChroma = 8; } iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4 = parseUe(pvBuf); if (iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4 < MIN_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM - 4 || iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4 > MAX_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM - 4) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4 out of range (0-12): %d\n", iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->iLog2MaxFrameNum = iLog2MaxFrameNumMinus4 + 4; ptSps->iPocType = parseUe(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iPocType == 0) { // FIXME #define unsigned t = parseUe(pvBuf); if (t>12) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "iLog2MaxPocLsb (%d) is out of range\n", t); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->iLog2MaxPocLsb = t + 4; } else if (ptSps->iPocType == 1) { // FIXME #define ptSps->iDeltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); ptSps->iOffsetForNonRefPic = parseSe(pvBuf); ptSps->iOffsetForTopToBottomField = parseSe(pvBuf); ptSps->iPocCycleLength = parseUe(pvBuf); if ((unsigned)ptSps->iPocCycleLength >= FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(ptSps->asOffsetForRefFrame)) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "iPocCycleLength overflow %d\n", ptSps->iPocCycleLength); iRet = -1; goto exit; } for (i = 0; i < ptSps->iPocCycleLength; i++) ptSps->asOffsetForRefFrame[i] = parseSe(pvBuf); } else if (ptSps->iPocType != 2) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "illegal POC type %d\n", ptSps->iPocType); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->iRefFrameCount = parseUe(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iRefFrameCount > H264_MAX_PICTURE_COUNT - 2 || ptSps->iRefFrameCount > 16U) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "too many reference frames %d\n", ptSps->iRefFrameCount); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->iGapsInFrameNumAllowedFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); ptSps->iMbWidth = parseUe(pvBuf) + 1; ptSps->iMbHeight = parseUe(pvBuf) + 1; ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (!ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag) ptSps->iMbAff = getOneBit(pvBuf); else ptSps->iMbAff = 0; ptSps->iDirect8x8InferenceFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); ptSps->iCrop = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iCrop) { unsigned int uiCropLeft = parseUe(pvBuf); unsigned int uiCropRight = parseUe(pvBuf); unsigned int uiCropTop = parseUe(pvBuf); unsigned int uiCropBottom = parseUe(pvBuf); int width = 16 * ptSps->iMbWidth; int height = 16 * ptSps->iMbHeight * (2 - ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag); if(1) { int vsub = (ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc == 1) ? 1 : 0; int hsub = (ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc == 1 || ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc == 2) ? 1 : 0; int step_x = 1 << hsub; int step_y = (2 - ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag) << vsub; if (uiCropLeft & (0x1F >> (ptSps->iBitDepthLuma > 8))) { uiCropLeft &= ~(0x1F >> (ptSps->iBitDepthLuma > 8)); } if (uiCropLeft > (unsigned)INT_MAX / 4 / step_x || uiCropRight > (unsigned)INT_MAX / 4 / step_x || uiCropTop > (unsigned)INT_MAX / 4 / step_y || uiCropBottom> (unsigned)INT_MAX / 4 / step_y || (uiCropLeft + uiCropRight ) * step_x >= width || (uiCropTop + uiCropBottom) * step_y >= height ) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "crop values invalid %d %d %d %d / %d %d\n", uiCropLeft, uiCropRight, uiCropTop, uiCropBottom, width, height); iRet = -1; goto exit; } ptSps->uiCropLeft = uiCropLeft * step_x; ptSps->uiCropRight = uiCropRight * step_x; ptSps->uiCropTop = uiCropTop * step_y; ptSps->uiCropBottom = uiCropBottom * step_y; } } else { ptSps->uiCropLeft = ptSps->uiCropRight = ptSps->uiCropTop = ptSps->uiCropBottom = ptSps->iCrop = 0; } ptSps->iVuiParametersPresentFlag = getOneBit(pvBuf); if (ptSps->iVuiParametersPresentFlag) { int ret = decodeVuiParameters(pvBuf, ptSps); if (ret < 0) goto exit; } if (getBitsLeft(pvBuf) < 0) { RPT(RPT_ERR, "Overread %s by %d bits\n", ptSps->iVuiParametersPresentFlag ? "VUI" : "SPS", -getBitsLeft(pvBuf)); iRet = -1; } if (!ptSps->tSar.den) ptSps->tSar.den = 1; ptSps->iNew = 1; exit: #ifdef SPS_PPS_DEBUG if (1) { static const char csp[4][5] = { "Gray", "420", "422", "444" }; RPT(RPT_DBG, "ptSps:%u profile:%d/%d poc:%d ref:%d %dx%d %s %s crop:%u/%u/%u/%u %s %s %d/%d b%d reo:%d\n", uiSpsId, ptSps->iProfileIdc, ptSps->iLevelIdc, ptSps->iPocType, ptSps->iRefFrameCount, ptSps->iMbWidth, ptSps->iMbHeight, ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag ? "FRM" : (ptSps->iMbAff ? "MB-AFF" : "PIC-AFF"), ptSps->iDirect8x8InferenceFlag ? "8B8" : "", ptSps->uiCropLeft, ptSps->uiCropRight, ptSps->uiCropTop, ptSps->uiCropBottom, ptSps->iVuiParametersPresentFlag ? "VUI" : "", csp[ptSps->iChromaFormatIdc], ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag ? ptSps->u32NumUnitsInTick : 0, ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag ? ptSps->u32TimeScale : 0, ptSps->iBitDepthLuma, ptSps->iBitstreamRestrictionFlag ? ptSps->iNumReorderFrames : -1 ); } #endif getBitContextFree(pvBuf); return iRet; } void h264GetWidthHeight(T_SPS *ptSps, int *piWidth, int *piHeight) { // ¿í¸ß¼ÆË㹫ʽ int iCodeWidth = 0; int iCodedHeight = 0; iCodeWidth = 16 * ptSps->iMbWidth; iCodedHeight = 16 * ptSps->iMbHeight; *piWidth = iCodeWidth - (ptSps->uiCropRight + ptSps->uiCropLeft); *piHeight = iCodedHeight - (ptSps->uiCropTop + ptSps->uiCropBottom); if (*piWidth <= 0 || *piHeight <= 0) { *piWidth = iCodeWidth; *piHeight = iCodedHeight; } RPT(RPT_DBG, "iCodeWidth:%d, iCodedHeight:%d\n", iCodeWidth, iCodedHeight); RPT(RPT_DBG, "*piWidth:%d, *piHeight:%d\n", *piWidth, *piHeight); RPT(RPT_DBG, "ptSps->uiCropRight:%d, ptSps->uiCropLeft:%d\n", ptSps->uiCropRight, ptSps->uiCropLeft); RPT(RPT_DBG, "ptSps->uiCropTop:%d, ptSps->uiCropBottom:%d\n", ptSps->uiCropTop, ptSps->uiCropBottom); } int h264GetFormat(T_SPS *ptSps) { return ptSps->iFrameMbsOnlyFlag; } void h264GeFramerate(T_SPS *ptSps, float *pfFramerate) { int iFrInt = 0; if(ptSps->iTimingInfoPresentFlag) { if(!ptSps->iFixedFrameRateFlag) { *pfFramerate = (float)ptSps->u32TimeScale / (float)ptSps->u32NumUnitsInTick; //iFrInt = ptSps->vui_parameters.u32TimeScale / ptSps->vui_parameters.u32NumUnitsInTick; }else { *pfFramerate = (float)ptSps->u32TimeScale / (float)ptSps->u32NumUnitsInTick / 2.0; //iFrInt = ptSps->vui_parameters.u32TimeScale / ptSps->vui_parameters.u32NumUnitsInTick / 2; } iFrInt = ptSps->u32TimeScale / ptSps->u32NumUnitsInTick / 2; } switch(iFrInt) { case 23:// 23.98 RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:23.98"); break; case 24: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:24"); break; case 25: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:25"); break; case 29://29.97 RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:29.97"); break; case 30: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:30"); break; case 50: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:50"); break; case 59://59.94 RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:59.94"); break; case 60: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:60"); break; case 6: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:6"); break; case 8: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:8"); break; case 12: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:12"); break; case 15: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:15"); break; case 10: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:10"); break; default: RPT(RPT_DBG, "frame rate:0"); break; } return; }