/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #ifndef SRC_RTMP_RTMPPUSHER_H_ #define SRC_RTMP_RTMPPUSHER_H_ #include "RtmpProtocol.h" #include "RtmpMediaSource.h" #include "Network/TcpClient.h" #include "Pusher/PusherBase.h" namespace mediakit { class RtmpPusher : public RtmpProtocol, public TcpClient, public PusherBase { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<RtmpPusher> Ptr; RtmpPusher(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,const RtmpMediaSource::Ptr &src); ~RtmpPusher() override; void publish(const string &url) override ; void teardown() override; void setOnPublished(const Event &cb) override { _on_published = cb; } void setOnShutdown(const Event &cb) override{ _on_shutdown = cb; } protected: //for Tcpclient override void onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &buf) override; void onConnect(const SockException &err) override; void onErr(const SockException &ex) override; //for RtmpProtocol override void onRtmpChunk(RtmpPacket::Ptr chunk_data) override; void onSendRawData(Buffer::Ptr buffer) override{ send(std::move(buffer)); } private: void onPublishResult(const SockException &ex, bool handshake_done); template<typename FUN> inline void addOnResultCB(const FUN &fun) { lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_mtx_on_result); _map_on_result.emplace(_send_req_id, fun); } template<typename FUN> inline void addOnStatusCB(const FUN &fun) { lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_mtx_on_status); _deque_on_status.emplace_back(fun); } void onCmd_result(AMFDecoder &dec); void onCmd_onStatus(AMFDecoder &dec); void onCmd_onMetaData(AMFDecoder &dec); inline void send_connect(); inline void send_createStream(); inline void send_publish(); inline void send_metaData(); void setSocketFlags(); private: string _app; string _stream_id; string _tc_url; recursive_mutex _mtx_on_result; recursive_mutex _mtx_on_status; deque<function<void(AMFValue &dec)> > _deque_on_status; unordered_map<int, function<void(AMFDecoder &dec)> > _map_on_result; //事件监听 Event _on_shutdown; Event _on_published; //推流超时定时器 std::shared_ptr<Timer> _publish_timer; std::weak_ptr<RtmpMediaSource> _publish_src; RtmpMediaSource::RingType::RingReader::Ptr _rtmp_reader; }; } /* namespace mediakit */ #endif /* SRC_RTMP_RTMPPUSHER_H_ */