/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRC_HTTP_HTTPSESSION_H_ #define SRC_HTTP_HTTPSESSION_H_ #include <functional> #include "Common/config.h" #include "Rtsp/Rtsp.h" #include "Network/TcpSession.h" #include "Network/TcpServer.h" #include "Rtmp/RtmpMediaSource.h" #include "RtmpMuxer/FlvMuxer.h" #include "HttpRequestSplitter.h" #include "WebSocketSplitter.h" #include "HttpCookieManager.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { class HttpSession: public TcpSession, public FlvMuxer, public HttpRequestSplitter, public WebSocketSplitter { public: typedef StrCaseMap KeyValue; typedef std::function<void(const string &codeOut, const KeyValue &headerOut, const string &contentOut)> HttpResponseInvoker; typedef std::function<void(const string &accessPath, int cookieLifeSecond)> HttpAccessPathInvoker; HttpSession(const Socket::Ptr &pSock); virtual ~HttpSession(); virtual void onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &) override; virtual void onError(const SockException &err) override; virtual void onManager() override; static string urlDecode(const string &str); protected: //FlvMuxer override void onWrite(const Buffer::Ptr &data) override ; void onDetach() override; std::shared_ptr<FlvMuxer> getSharedPtr() override; //HttpRequestSplitter override int64_t onRecvHeader(const char *data,uint64_t len) override; void onRecvContent(const char *data,uint64_t len) override; /** * 重载之用于处理不定长度的content * 这个函数可用于处理大文件上传、http-flv推流 * @param header http请求头 * @param data content分片数据 * @param len content分片数据大小 * @param totalSize content总大小,如果为0则是不限长度content * @param recvedSize 已收数据大小 */ virtual void onRecvUnlimitedContent(const Parser &header, const char *data, uint64_t len, uint64_t totalSize, uint64_t recvedSize){ shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,"http post content is too huge,default closed")); } void onWebSocketDecodeHeader(const WebSocketHeader &packet) override{ shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,"websocket connection default closed")); }; void onRecvWebSocketData(const Parser &header,const char *data,uint64_t len){ WebSocketSplitter::decode((uint8_t *)data,len); } private: inline void Handle_Req_GET(int64_t &content_len); inline void Handle_Req_POST(int64_t &content_len); inline bool checkLiveFlvStream(); inline bool checkWebSocket(); inline bool emitHttpEvent(bool doInvoke); inline void urlDecode(Parser &parser); inline void sendNotFound(bool bClose); inline void sendResponse(const char *pcStatus,const KeyValue &header,const string &strContent); inline static KeyValue makeHttpHeader(bool bClose=false,int64_t iContentSize=-1,const char *pcContentType="text/html"); void responseDelay(const string &Origin, bool bClose, const string &codeOut, const KeyValue &headerOut, const string &contentOut); /** * 判断http客户端是否有权限访问文件的逻辑步骤 * * 1、根据http请求头查找cookie,找到进入步骤3 * 2、根据http url参数(如果没有根据ip+端口号)查找cookie,如果还是未找到cookie则进入步骤5 * 3、cookie标记是否有权限访问文件,如果有权限,直接返回文件 * 4、cookie中记录的url参数是否跟本次url参数一致,如果一致直接返回客户端错误码 * 5、触发kBroadcastHttpAccess事件 * @param path 文件或目录 * @param is_dir path是否为目录 * @param callback 有权限或无权限的回调 */ inline void canAccessPath(const string &path,bool is_dir,const function<void(bool canAccess,const HttpServerCookie::Ptr &cookie)> &callback); /** * 获取用户唯一识别id * 有url参数返回参数,无参数返回ip+端口号 * @return */ inline string getClientUid(); private: Parser _parser; Ticker _ticker; uint32_t _iReqCnt = 0; //消耗的总流量 uint64_t _ui64TotalBytes = 0; //flv over http MediaInfo _mediaInfo; //处理content数据的callback function<bool (const char *data,uint64_t len) > _contentCallBack; }; typedef TcpSessionWithSSL<HttpSession> HttpsSession; } /* namespace mediakit */ #endif /* SRC_HTTP_HTTPSESSION_H_ */