/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef RTSP_RTSP_H_ #define RTSP_RTSP_H_ #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <memory> #include <unordered_map> #include "Common/config.h" #include "Util/util.h" #include "Player/Frame.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit; class SdpTrack{ public: typedef std::shared_ptr<SdpTrack> Ptr; string _m; string _o; string _s; string _i; string _c; string _t; string _b; float _duration = 0; float _start = 0; float _end = 0; map<char,string> _other; map<string,string> _attr; public: int _pt; string _codec; int _samplerate; string _fmtp; string _control; string _control_surffix; TrackType _type; public: uint8_t _interleaved = 0; bool _inited = false; uint32_t _ssrc = 0; uint16_t _seq = 0; //时间戳,单位毫秒 uint32_t _time_stamp = 0; }; class SdpAttr { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<SdpAttr> Ptr; SdpAttr(){} SdpAttr(const string &sdp){load(sdp);} ~SdpAttr(){} void load(const string &sdp); bool available() const ; SdpTrack::Ptr getTrack(TrackType type) const; vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> getAvailableTrack() const; private: map<string,SdpTrack::Ptr> _track_map; }; class RtcpCounter { public: uint32_t pktCnt = 0; uint32_t octCount = 0; uint32_t timeStamp = 0; }; string FindField(const char* buf, const char* start, const char *end,int bufSize = 0 ); struct StrCaseCompare { bool operator()(const string& __x, const string& __y) const {return strcasecmp(__x.data(), __y.data()) < 0 ;} }; typedef map<string,string,StrCaseCompare> StrCaseMap; class Parser { public: Parser() {} virtual ~Parser() {} void Parse(const char *buf) { //解析 const char *start = buf; Clear(); while (true) { auto line = FindField(start, NULL, "\r\n"); if (line.size() == 0) { break; } if (start == buf) { _strMethod = FindField(line.c_str(), NULL, " "); _strFullUrl = FindField(line.c_str(), " ", " "); auto args_pos = _strFullUrl.find('?'); if(args_pos != string::npos){ _strUrl = _strFullUrl.substr(0,args_pos); _mapUrlArgs = parseArgs(_strFullUrl.substr(args_pos + 1 )); }else{ _strUrl = _strFullUrl; } _strTail = FindField(line.c_str(), (_strFullUrl + " ").c_str(), NULL); } else { auto field = FindField(line.c_str(), NULL, ": "); auto value = FindField(line.c_str(), ": ", NULL); if (field.size() != 0) { _mapHeaders[field] = value; } } start = start + line.size() + 2; if (strncmp(start, "\r\n", 2) == 0) { //协议解析完毕 _strContent = FindField(start, "\r\n", NULL); break; } } } const string& Method() const { //rtsp方法 return _strMethod; } const string& Url() const { //rtsp url return _strUrl; } const string& FullUrl() const { //rtsp url with args return _strFullUrl; } const string& Tail() const { //RTSP/1.0 return _strTail; } const string& operator[](const char *name) const { //rtsp field auto it = _mapHeaders.find(name); if (it == _mapHeaders.end()) { return _strNull; } return it->second; } const string& Content() const { return _strContent; } void Clear() { _strMethod.clear(); _strUrl.clear(); _strFullUrl.clear(); _strTail.clear(); _strContent.clear(); _mapHeaders.clear(); _mapUrlArgs.clear(); } void setUrl(const string& url) { this->_strUrl = url; } void setContent(const string& content) { this->_strContent = content; } StrCaseMap& getValues() const { return _mapHeaders; } StrCaseMap& getUrlArgs() const { return _mapUrlArgs; } static StrCaseMap parseArgs(const string &str,const char *pair_delim = "&", const char *key_delim = "="){ StrCaseMap ret; auto arg_vec = split(str, pair_delim); for (string &key_val : arg_vec) { auto key = FindField(key_val.data(),NULL,key_delim); auto val = FindField(key_val.data(),key_delim, NULL); ret[key] = val; } return ret; } private: string _strMethod; string _strUrl; string _strTail; string _strContent; string _strNull; string _strFullUrl; mutable StrCaseMap _mapHeaders; mutable StrCaseMap _mapUrlArgs; }; #endif //RTSP_RTSP_H_