/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "RtmpParser.h" namespace ZL { namespace Rtmp { RtmpParser::RtmpParser(const AMFValue &val) { auto videoCodec = val["videocodecid"]; auto audioCodec = val["audiocodecid"]; if (videoCodec.type() == AMF_STRING) { if (videoCodec.as_string() == "avc1") { //h264 m_iVideoCodecID = H264_CODEC_ID; } else { InfoL << "不支持RTMP视频格式:" << videoCodec.as_string(); } }else if (videoCodec.type() != AMF_NULL){ m_iVideoCodecID = videoCodec.as_integer(); if (m_iVideoCodecID != H264_CODEC_ID) { InfoL << "不支持RTMP视频格式:" << videoCodec.as_integer(); } } if (audioCodec.type() == AMF_STRING) { if (audioCodec.as_string() == "mp4a") { //aac m_iAudioCodecID = AAC_CODEC_ID; } else { InfoL << "不支持RTMP音频格式:" << audioCodec.as_string(); } }else if (audioCodec.type() != AMF_NULL) { m_iAudioCodecID = audioCodec.as_integer(); if (m_iAudioCodecID != AAC_CODEC_ID) { InfoL << "不支持RTMP音频格式:" << audioCodec.as_integer(); } } onCheckMedia(val); } RtmpParser::~RtmpParser() { } bool RtmpParser::inputRtmp(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { switch (pkt->typeId) { case MSG_VIDEO:{ if(m_iVideoCodecID == 0){ //未初始化视频 m_iVideoCodecID = pkt->getMediaType(); if(m_iVideoCodecID != H264_CODEC_ID){ InfoL << "不支持RTMP视频格式:" << m_iVideoCodecID; } } if(m_iVideoCodecID == H264_CODEC_ID){ return inputVideo(pkt); } return false; } case MSG_AUDIO: { if(m_iAudioCodecID == 0){ //未初始化音频 m_iAudioCodecID = pkt->getMediaType(); if(m_iAudioCodecID != AAC_CODEC_ID){ InfoL << "不支持RTMP音频格式:" << m_iAudioCodecID; } } if (m_iAudioCodecID == AAC_CODEC_ID) { return inputAudio(pkt); } return false; } default: return false; } } inline bool RtmpParser::inputVideo(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { if (pkt->isCfgFrame()) { //WarnL << " got h264 cfg"; if (m_strSPS.size()) { return false; } m_strSPS.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); m_strSPS.append(pkt->getH264SPS()); m_strPPS.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); m_strPPS.append(pkt->getH264PPS()); getAVCInfo(pkt->getH264SPS(), m_iVideoWidth, m_iVideoHeight, m_fVideoFps); return false; } if (m_strSPS.size()) { uint32_t iTotalLen = pkt->strBuf.size(); uint32_t iOffset = 5; while(iOffset + 4 < iTotalLen){ uint32_t iFrameLen; memcpy(&iFrameLen, pkt->strBuf.data() + iOffset, 4); iFrameLen = ntohl(iFrameLen); iOffset += 4; if(iFrameLen + iOffset > iTotalLen){ break; } _onGetH264(pkt->strBuf.data() + iOffset, iFrameLen, pkt->timeStamp); iOffset += iFrameLen; } } return pkt->isVideoKeyFrame(); } inline void RtmpParser::_onGetH264(const char* pcData, int iLen, uint32_t ui32TimeStamp) { switch (pcData[0] & 0x1F) { case 5: { onGetH264(m_strSPS.data() + 4, m_strSPS.length() - 4, ui32TimeStamp); onGetH264(m_strPPS.data() + 4, m_strPPS.length() - 4, ui32TimeStamp); } case 1: { onGetH264(pcData, iLen, ui32TimeStamp); } break; default: //WarnL <<(int)(pcData[0] & 0x1F); break; } } inline void RtmpParser::onGetH264(const char* pcData, int iLen, uint32_t ui32TimeStamp) { m_h264frame.type = pcData[0] & 0x1F; m_h264frame.timeStamp = ui32TimeStamp; m_h264frame.data.assign("\x0\x0\x0\x1", 4); //添加264头 m_h264frame.data.append(pcData, iLen); { lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(m_mtxCB); if (onVideo) { onVideo(m_h264frame); } } m_h264frame.data.clear(); } inline bool RtmpParser::inputAudio(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { if (pkt->isCfgFrame()) { if (m_strAudioCfg.size()) { return false; } m_strAudioCfg = pkt->getAacCfg(); m_iSampleBit = pkt->getAudioSampleBit(); makeAdtsHeader(m_strAudioCfg,m_adts); getAACInfo(m_adts, m_iSampleRate, m_iChannel); return false; } if (m_strAudioCfg.size()) { onGetAAC(pkt->strBuf.data() + 2, pkt->strBuf.size() - 2, pkt->timeStamp); } return false; } inline void RtmpParser::onGetAAC(const char* pcData, int iLen, uint32_t ui32TimeStamp) { if(iLen + 7 > sizeof(m_adts.data)){ WarnL << "Illegal adts data, exceeding the length limit."; return; } //添加adts头 memcpy(m_adts.data + 7, pcData, iLen); m_adts.aac_frame_length = 7 + iLen; m_adts.timeStamp = ui32TimeStamp; writeAdtsHeader(m_adts, m_adts.data); { lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(m_mtxCB); if (onAudio) { onAudio(m_adts); } } m_adts.aac_frame_length = 7; } inline void RtmpParser::onCheckMedia(const AMFValue& obj) { obj.object_for_each([&](const string &key ,const AMFValue& val) { if(key == "duration") { m_fDuration = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "width") { m_iVideoWidth = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "height") { m_iVideoHeight = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "framerate") { m_fVideoFps = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "audiosamplerate") { m_iSampleRate = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "audiosamplesize") { m_iSampleBit = val.as_number(); return; } if(key == "stereo") { m_iChannel = val.as_boolean() ? 2 :1; return; } }); } } /* namespace Rtmp */ } /* namespace ZL */