/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "Rtsp.h" #include "Common/Parser.h" namespace mediakit{ static void getAttrSdp(const map<string, string> &attr, _StrPrinter &printer){ const map<string, string>::value_type *ptr = nullptr; for(auto &pr : attr){ if(pr.first == "control"){ ptr = ≺ continue; } if(pr.second.empty()){ printer << "a=" << pr.first << "\r\n"; }else{ printer << "a=" << pr.first << ":" << pr.second << "\r\n"; } } if(ptr){ printer << "a=" << ptr->first << ":" << ptr->second << "\r\n"; } } string SdpTrack::toString() const { _StrPrinter _printer; switch (_type){ case TrackTitle:{ _printer << "v=" << 0 << "\r\n"; if(!_o.empty()){ _printer << "o="<< _o << "\r\n"; } if(!_c.empty()){ _printer << "c=" << _c << "\r\n"; } if(!_t.empty()){ _printer << "t=" << _t << "\r\n"; } _printer << "s=RTSP Session, streamed by the ZLMediaKit\r\n"; _printer << "i=ZLMediaKit Live Stream\r\n"; getAttrSdp(_attr,_printer); } break; case TrackAudio: case TrackVideo:{ if(_type == TrackAudio){ _printer << "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP " << _pt << "\r\n"; }else{ _printer << "m=video 0 RTP/AVP " << _pt << "\r\n"; } if(!_b.empty()){ _printer << "b=" <<_b << "\r\n"; } getAttrSdp(_attr,_printer); } break; default: break; } return _printer; } void SdpParser::load(const string &sdp) { _track_map.clear(); string key; SdpTrack::Ptr track = std::make_shared<SdpTrack>(); auto lines = split(sdp,"\n"); for (auto &line : lines){ trim(line); if(line.size() < 2 || line[1] != '='){ continue; } char opt = line[0]; string opt_val = line.substr(2); switch (opt){ case 'o': track->_o = opt_val; break; case 's': track->_s = opt_val; break; case 'i': track->_i = opt_val; break; case 'c': track->_c = opt_val; break; case 't': track->_t = opt_val; break; case 'b': track->_b = opt_val; break; case 'm':{ _track_map[key] = track; track = std::make_shared<SdpTrack>(); key = FindField(opt_val.data(), nullptr," "); track->_m = opt_val; } break; case 'a':{ string attr = FindField(opt_val.data(), nullptr,":"); if(attr.empty()){ track->_attr[opt_val] = ""; }else{ track->_attr[attr] = FindField(opt_val.data(),":", nullptr); } } break; default: track->_other[opt] = opt_val; break; } } _track_map[key] = track; for (auto &pr : _track_map) { auto &track = *pr.second; if (pr.first == "") { track._type = TrackTitle; } else if (pr.first == "video") { track._type = TrackVideo; } else if (pr.first == "audio") { track._type = TrackAudio; } else { track._type = TrackInvalid; } auto it = track._attr.find("range"); if (it != track._attr.end()) { char name[16] = {0}, start[16] = {0}, end[16] = {0}; int ret = sscanf(it->second.data(), "%15[^=]=%15[^-]-%15s", name, start, end); if (3 == ret || 2 == ret) { if (strcmp(start, "now") == 0) { strcpy(start, "0"); } track._start = atof(start); track._end = atof(end); track._duration = track._end - track._start; } } it = track._attr.find("rtpmap"); if(it != track._attr.end()){ auto rtpmap = it->second; int pt, samplerate; char codec[16] = {0}; if (3 == sscanf(rtpmap.data(), "%d %15[^/]/%d", &pt, codec, &samplerate)) { track._pt = pt; track._codec = codec; track._samplerate = samplerate; } } it = track._attr.find("fmtp"); if(it != track._attr.end()) { track._fmtp = it->second; } it = track._attr.find("control"); if(it != track._attr.end()) { track._control = it->second; auto surffix = string("/") + track._control; track._control_surffix = surffix.substr(1 + surffix.rfind('/')); } } } bool SdpParser::available() const { return getTrack(TrackAudio) || getTrack(TrackVideo); } SdpTrack::Ptr SdpParser::getTrack(TrackType type) const { for (auto &pr : _track_map){ if(pr.second->_type == type){ return pr.second; } } return nullptr; } vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> SdpParser::getAvailableTrack() const { vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> ret; auto video = getTrack(TrackVideo); if(video){ ret.emplace_back(video); } auto audio = getTrack(TrackAudio); if(audio){ ret.emplace_back(audio); } return ret; } string SdpParser::toString() const { string title,audio,video; for(auto &pr : _track_map){ switch (pr.second->_type){ case TrackTitle:{ title = pr.second->toString(); } break; case TrackVideo:{ video = pr.second->toString(); } break; case TrackAudio:{ audio = pr.second->toString(); } break; default: break; } } return title + video + audio; } }//namespace mediakit